
103, rue de Grenelle - 75007 Paris, France

92 Cours Lafayette CS 53515
69003 Lyon, France

New York
588 Broadway, Suite 702
New York, NY 10012

San Francisco
350 California Street, 21st Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

Los Angeles
6080 Center Drive, 6th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Washington, DC
1625 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Une expertise riche de cultures

Nous sommes l’agence parisienne d’un collectif international d’architectes, implanté aux Etats-Unis et en France depuis 1992. Notre agence parisienne a été à l'origine fondée pour accompagner les clients américains qui développaient des projets en Europe. Depuis, l'agence s'est considérablement développée en France, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient au service d'utilisateurs innovants, de promoteurs, d'investisseurs et de collectivités. Avec eux, nous concevons des lieux qui ont un impact positif sur le cadre bâti et l’expérience vécue.
Nous sommes une équipe entrepreneuriale nourrie par l’imagination, l’audace et l’énergie de ses collaborateurs. Chez nous, pas de fiche de poste : nous invitons nos collaborateurs à explorer de nouvelles approches, à définir leur voie de développement, et nous élargissons ensemble notre horizon. Les profils atypiques, les parcours singuliers et l'exigence sont la clé de notre différence auprès des clients. L’approche collégiale et non-hiérarchique de l’agence dans le processus de conception, permet de leur proposer l’implication d’une structure à échelle humaine dans le cadre d’une entreprise internationale avec des compétences diversifiées
Si notre expertise principale a d'abord été l'innovation en matière de workplace et de régénération urbaine, elle s'est aujourd'hui étendue à une grande variété de projets allant de l'hôtellerie au complexe sportif. Notre vision holistique, notre processus collaboratif et notre esprit entrepreneurial nous permettent de réaliser tout type de projet, y compris les plus complexes. Nous avons à cœur de réconcilier l’architecture et l’architecture intérieure. Alors que le monde de l’architecture les sépare souvent, voire les oppose, nous les mettons l’une au service de l’autre. Nos projets présentent ainsi un équilibre rare entre projets intérieurs, constructions neuves et restructuration.
La transition écologique et le bien-être des usagers sont au coeur de nos refléxions pour soutenir des environnements résilients et des communautés vivantes. Nous avons développé des connaissances spécifiques en matière de constructions bois et de stratégies "cradle-to-cradle" et avons certifié nos propres bureaux parisiens WELL Platinum, une première en France.
Notre équipe multiculturelle de 65 personnes, comptent 15 nationalités et comprend des architectes, des architectes d’intérieur et des experts de l'accompagnement au changement qui excellent dans la compréhension des besoins et des défis de nos clients.
Notre large expertise des exigences internationales et locales, nous permet de gérer les spécificités linguistiques, culturelles et réglementaires. La richesse de nos projets provient de cette multi-culturalité qui nourrit notre capacité à adapter, expérimenter et proposer des solutions innovantes à chacun de nos client.

STUDIOS Paris est certifié ISO par l'AFNOR depuis 2006 pour s'assurer que le contrôle qualité s'applique en interne mais aussi à la relation clients pour tous nos projets.
Index Egalité Professionnelle Femmes / Hommes : 94/100.

+33 (0)1 44 95 86 60
Demandes commerciales:
Informations Générales:
Une nouvelle agence pour servir nos clients et se développer
En janvier 2019 naît le bureau STUDIOS à Lyon, 2ème aire urbaine et 2ème pôle de décision en France, avec une véritable dynamique de développement depuis 10 ans et des projets urbains d’envergure. Ce nouveau bureau français tire parti de notre expérience antérieure dans la ville, un lieu riche d'histoire et d'opportunités. Certains de nos architectes les plus talentueux gèrent ici des projets localement, ainsi qu'à Grenoble et à Arles. Notre objectif est d'assurer un suivi rigoureux et efficace de nos clients existants et de nous positionner pour de nouvelles opportunités dans cette région dynamique.
Informations commerciales :
+33 (0)1 44 95 86 60
Communication :
+33 (0)1 44 95 86 60
Contacts Principaux
Fabien Rondeau
06 42 51 97 93
Mission-Driven by Design

You can find us in the very SoHo loft where we first opened our office doors in 1995. Since then, we’ve expanded our team—from three to 70 people—and our impact. Servicing a multitude of leading organizations looking for high-level design solutions to advance their mission and strategic vision, our projects run the gamut from Nike’s award-winning headquarters to the long-term repositioning of Chelsea Market to the vast regeneration of Kearny Point. Applying a wide range of perspectives to every challenge, our teams thrive on complex projects that require fresh thinking and openness to new approaches.

As true New Yorkers, we play as hard as we work, and we care about our communities. We’re always eager to compete in a softball or bowling league, seek out inspiration in design showrooms and on project tours, or enjoy a pantry happy hour. Volunteering our time and skills comes naturally to us, too. We’ve planted gardens with New York Restoration Project and invited students in to learn about the profession we love. In the office and out in our city, we’re a team. Together we look to the future and play our part in making it brighter.
New York
212 431 4512
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Contacts Principaux
Born from Innovation

San Francisco is where STUDIOS’ story began. Since 1985, we’ve worked with and grown alongside Silicon Valley innovators and Bay Area based disruptors. Our impact is now seen and felt far beyond the world of tech. We’ve designed commercial interiors and headquarters for clients in media, entertainment, law, finance, and other industries. Our projects also include new buildings and renovations for education and civic clients, major urban developments, and performing arts centers in China. Our approach, solutions, and identity are indelibly shaped by the Bay Area culture of innovation. Throughout our work, we push for more sustainable building materials and methodologies, and integrate technology to improve design, building performance, and the experience of people—ourselves, our partners, and all those who live and work in the spaces we create.

We designed our current office, north of Market Street in the Financial District, from scratch. The space is a reflection of our fearlessly collaborative work style and open mindset. Every available work surface serves as a place to freely share ideas and display designs in progress. Surrounded by long stretches of windows providing panoramic views of the Transamerica Pyramid, Coit Tower, and the Bay, we are reminded to look up and out into the world for inspiration. Our new studio is LEED Gold, one of only 25 projects under LEED v4 in California at the time of certification!

Our team is creative and passionate, and always learning from one another. We also love to come together and get to know one another outside of project work through a variety of activities, such as Fireside Chats hosted by our Practice Group, design discourse at STUDIOSalon, drawing sessions, employee art shows, themed happy hours, summer picnics, our softball team The Studi-o's, and more.
San Francisco
415 398 7575
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Contacts Principaux
Inspiring Creative Transformation

Our office first opened in 1999 to more closely partner with STUDIOS’ notable clients in media and entertainment. From the start, we had the opportunity to take on large-scale projects with some of the biggest names in the business: Disney, Warner Bros., and Cartoon Network. Since then, we’ve grown our presence and impact across Southern California and beyond, working with university clients, tech companies, law firms, and retailers on interiors, innovation, and new building designs.
Whether we’re turning a world-renowned culinary destination into a sustainability superstar, or helping a studio for animators embrace its higher purpose as a hub of creative inspiration for artists, we believe in the power of design to transform. Our expansive approach pulls insight and inspiration from across boundaries of expertise, and is tailored to each client’s vision, values, and needs. To our work in the office, and our volunteer efforts out in the community, we bring an openness to meeting new people, exploring new frontiers, and discovering new possibilities.

Los Angeles
310 385 1550
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Contacts Principaux
United by Purpose

Out of a historic, renovated school building in the heart of DC’s Central Business District, we help clients transform their physical environments in ways that shape the future. Our experience includes many landmark buildings, with project goals ranging from furthering education to providing quality housing to rethinking tomorrow’s office building. While we’ve earned a reputation as a leader in workplace strategy, our success in base building, innovative jewel-box projects and world-class offices and headquarters speaks to the versatility and ingenuity of our design thinking.
Our ability to take on a wide range of challenges is made possible by our commitment to diversity, and the valuable insights and unique points of view brought to the table. While we come from different backgrounds, we share a spirit of civic and social responsibility. We are a DC local Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) committed to ongoing collaboration with local, small, minority- and women-owned businesses. Our pro-bono work for non-profit organizations includes the design of a new building in Washington DC's Navy Yard neighborhood for hands-on education and training using urban, natural, and maritime resources as "living classrooms," designing a dining room facility for the poor and homeless community, and various mentorship programs that support students in envisioning opportunities beyond their difficult circumstances. Our employees give time, heart and energy to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and DC Public Schools “Architecture in Schools” program, among others. Being engaged in building stronger communities is important to us, as designers and architects entrusted with creating enduring impact.
Washington, DC
202 736 5900
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Contacts Principaux
Building on Trusted Partnerships
Founded in 2012, we’re here to support a core tenet of STUDIOS—hands-on collaboration with clients and project teams. As many of our multinational clients began looking to India, we responded by establishing an office to continue and strengthen these valued relationships. Bringing the openness, optimism, and holistic approach we’re known for, our team is able to pursue and realize the full potential of the corporate and institutional campuses and residential complexes we design there.
We work hand in hand with our trusted local partners, whose nuanced perspective and in-depth regional knowledge is key to our ability to deliver solutions that fulfill needs, transcend the status quo, and move organizations and people forward. Our experience in Mumbai has shown that the city is a natural fit for our approach, with a cultural appreciation for craft that balances visionary and technical excellence, while embracing sustainability as fundamental to success.

Demandes commerciales:
Amanda Cozens 212 204 3355
Amanda Cozens 212 204 3355