- Principal
- Associate Principal
- Associate
- Firmwide
- New York
- Washington, DC
- San Francisco
- Los Angeles
- Paris
- Lyon
- A - Z
- Z - A

Tae-Jun Ahn
Associate Principal

Ashton Allan

Paul Alonge

Bryan Arias

Sophie Athanase
Associate Principal

Emily Ayers
Associate Principal

Jyutika Baheti
Associate Principal

Allen Beall
Associate Principal

Cayce Becket
Associate Principal

Colleen Beckman

Sejal Bhimjiani
Associate Principal

Marie Billa

Sys Bisgaard

Adeline Boulnois

Gabriel Boyajian

Garrett Brignoli

Anthony Briscoe
Associate Principal, Operations Manager

Christopher Budd

David Burns

Erin Carlisle

Monica Castro
Managing Principal

Tammy Chan
Associate Principal

Jeong Choi

Graham Clegg

Julia Coffou

Stephen Cornelius
Associate Principal

James Cowey

Amanda Cozens
Associate Principal, Director of Marketing

Kevin Crossman
Associate Principal

Alex DeFee
Associate Principal

Todd DeGarmo
Principal, CEO Emeritus

Mary DeLaurentis
Associate Principal

Hélène Bouchache-Deprez

Stuart Doyle
Associate Principal

Michael Doyle
Associate Principal

Jordan Evans
Associate Principal

Maryana Fleurov

David Franknecht
Associate Principal

Rebecca Frederick

Melissa Funkey
Associate Principal

Frank Gesualdi
Associate Principal

Scott Gillespie

François Godard
Associate Principal

Kate Greenberg
Associate Principal

Steven Grossenbacher
Associate Principal

David Guichard
Associate Principal

Annelise Haskell

Marnique Heath
Principal, Board Chair

Sophie Henley-Price

Jennifer Hicks
Associate Principal

Riziki House-Okon
Associate Principal

Hiroshi Jacobs
Associate Principal

Ingrid Jacobsen
Project Accountant & Billing Manager

Essence Judge

Kristin Kaiser
Associate Principal

Kelly Kennedy
Associate Principal, Director of Business Development

Rachel Kenney
Associate Principal

Brian Kim

Victoria Kleyzor
Associate Principal, Director of Marketing and Business Development

Karen Koenig
Associate Principal

Miranda Kontner

Alexis Krahling
Associate, Manager of HR

Mike Krochmaluk
Associate Principal

Ludivine Lacroix
Associate Principal

Gigi Lake

Florent Lely

Sylvie Leroy

Ethan Levine

Andrew Lindberg

Adrian Lo

Adelaide Loomis

Penny Lu

Whitney Ludvik
Associate Principal

Katherine Luxner

Nabila Mahdi

Alessandro Mascia
Associate Principal

Vincent Maury
Associate Principal

Max Mayell
Associate Principal, Director of Technology, US

Jason McCarthy
Managing Principal

William McCommon

Robin McNamara
Principal, Chief Financial Officer

Amy Metry
Associate, Office Manager

Harley Miller
IT Manager

Nathan Minch

Brandon Moore

Keith Moore

Hidékazu Moritani

Nathan Morris
Associate Principal

David Must
Associate Principal

Qiana Nesbitt
Associate, Office Manager

Courtney Newhouse

Carolyn O'Toole

Joshua Oakley

Maria Pacheco
Associate Principal

Kristian Passanita

Pierre Pastellas

Hanyun Paugam

Maria Percoco

Alice Peter

Cliff Peterson
Associate Principal

Marc Pfenninger
Principal, CEO

Brian Pilot

Tomás Quijada
Associate Principal

Johnny Ramos

Marylin Reyes
Payroll Manager

Joshua Rider
Managing Principal

Darryl Roberson
Founding Principal, Principal Emeritus

Cameo Roehrich
Associate Principal

David Sabalvaro
Principal Emeritus

Enrique Sánchez

Kathryn Schenk

Odile Schittly Jacob

Emily Schneider
Associate Principal

Sara Schuster

Luke Semo

Lee Sewell
Associate Principal

Lang Shaw
Associate Principal

Janet Shuy

Bernadette Singh
Director of Human Resources

Joseph Skrocki
Associate Principal

Adrielle Slaugh
Associate Principal

Jes Smith

Ruben Smudde
Associate Principal

José Sobreiro

Erik Sueberkrop
Founding Principal, Chair Emeritus

Johnson Tang

Yara Tawfik

Alessandra Teisseire

Nando Tirado

Abigail Tuttle

Manon Uhlen

Alexandra Villegas

Ivelina Vitkova

Tulika Wadhwa

Katie Waldner

Shane Wallace

Eliana Weiner

Hana Woldeamanuel
Sr. Project Accountant & Billing

Thomas Yee
Principal, Chair Emeritus

Thomas Zapoticzny
Associate Principal

June Zhu

Robin McNamara
Principal, Chief Financial Officer
Robin leads all financial initiatives for STUDIOS, including financial planning, global accounting, tax, and human resources, among others. Her commitment to sound business practices allows each STUDIOS office to operate with the management, accounting, and technology components of a corporate practice. Having joined STUDIOS in 1991, Robin's leadership in all areas of financial management, combined with her understanding of the needs of an innovative design firm, has enabled STUDIOS to become an award-winning, multi-office architecture practice.
Hood College
Master of Business Administration, Financial Management
Salisbury University
Bachelor of Science, Math & Psychology

Todd DeGarmo, FAIA
Principal, CEO Emeritus
"I’ve never been more excited about what we bring to the table to solve the issues we face today—the notion of equity.”
Todd is proudly unconventional. His constant quest for innovation is aimed squarely at solving clients’ problems, reaching their goals, and elevating people’s everyday experience. Todd and his teams excel at complex projects where there aren’t obvious solutions. His extensive work in interiors has been widely celebrated, likely because he simply views interiors as architecture. Todd’s refusal to separate work into silos—his openness to new ways of thinking—is a hallmark of STUDIOS’ approach. Through decades of experience, he continues to feel incredibly fortunate to be able to come to work and imagine the best possible design that he can imagine for each and every client.
Todd's depth of experience has made him a national voice for great design, being recognized and having work published across The New York Times, WIRED Magazine, Business Week and Architectural Record. As an acknowledged leader and proponent for the transformative power of design, Todd serves on the Executive Committee for the New York Restoration Project where he underwrote the regeneration of a garden in the Bronx, as well as on the Federal City Council where he led the master planning effort to revive the Carver Langston neighborhoods in Washington, DC. He is also a Trustee of the University of Cincinnati Foundation, the Museum of the City of New York, and the National Building Museum. Todd’s longtime belief in working in partnership with people from diverse backgrounds to innovate in design has been recognized by his induction into the Interior Design Hall of Fame and by his Fellowship in the AIA.
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Fellow
Key Projects

David Sabalvaro, AIA
Principal Emeritus
After 35 years with STUDIOS, David retired as of April 2020. He is now spending his time relaxing and growing wine grapes. David was the firm's first employee and went on to direct the design and management of some of our most significant projects.
David's work includes interiors, new buildings, and often whole new campuses for notable clients including Google, Apple, and LinkedIn. He built long-term relationships with building owners and real estate developers, which led to a series of campus planning and design projects across Silicon Valley. David also worked closely with UC Berkeley on a number of interiors, renovation, and new building projects for engineering, physics, natural sciences, and other programs.
He also served on various Design Review Committees over the years, most recently for the Cities of Mountain View and Cupertino.
University of California
Bachelor of Arts
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

David Burns, AIA
“I like challenging people to look at things differently—it facilitates lots of different responses. Testing early on helps push things in different directions. Our work is expressive and design first, but we’re also solving problems and overcoming limits.”
David is a creative problem solver with vision. He believes that there is always a new and different way to look at a challenge. While exploring solutions from any and all angles, he constantly draws, evaluates, re-evaluates, and is even known to create verbal mantras that keep him and his teams focused on what matters: the end goal. David asks a lot of questions. What are the drivers of the project? How can we simplify what the team is solving for? How can we overcome perceived limits? His dedication and curiosity open up new ways forward.
David’s career started in STUDIOS’ Paris office more than 20 years ago. Since then, he has played an integral role in designing several of our most complex and award-winning projects, from giving new life to landmarked 200 Fifth Avenue to stitching together community at Canal Park. His diverse design and leadership experience spans large-scale base-building, master planning, interiors, and renovations for a wide range of clients in the commercial, education, civic, and cultural spheres. Across the board, David challenges the status quo, elevates clients’ missions, and seeks to measurably improve lives and communities.
Roger Williams University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), member
Key Projects

Joshua Rider, AIA
Managing Principal
“I get excited about clients who are interested in change and being sensitive to the employee experience in a changing workplace. I want to solve the challenges together.”
Interpreter, guide, connector. Whether jumping in to sketch an idea or manage highly complex projects, Josh is driven to empower others. He loves teaming up with creative people and finding ways to push everyone along—building community, keeping communication open, and crafting the group dynamic. For Josh, intensive listening is essential to the design process and side-by-side conversations with clients drive solutions. Never passive and always adaptable to changing goals and deliverables, he proactively pursues the right success on every project. Josh believes that real curiosity, about clients and their goals, creates better design.
Having led designs for non-profit, education, tech, law, finance, media, and other commercial clients, Josh's career encompasses a wide range of industries, services, and perspectives. This breadth of experience gives him an in-depth understanding of how multi-faceted projects are successfully orchestrated, resulting in timeless and responsive designs for ever-changing environments.
Philadelphia University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
Key Projects

Pierre Pastellas, DPLG, AIA
“My cultural heritage—French, Greek, born in Turkey—gave me an interest in bridging gaps, getting different groups to work together. I enjoy going to a country where I’ve never worked. How do we do it here? How do I adapt, survive, and deliver? I'm not interested in recipes. I’m interested in discovery. Swimming in unknown waters. That is how I get my kicks.”
Pierre loves people—seeing them grow, bringing them together in teams, and leveraging everyone’s talents. He views every project, just like every person, as totally unique. Thinking of STUDIOS approach as haute couture, or “design to suit,” Pierre’s work always culminates in a special and thoughtful solution, carved to fit just right. Inspired by Le Corbusier, Felix Candela and Luis Barragan’s pragmatic poetry, he focuses on blending buildings into their environment while showing respect for the people who experience and use the space.
As Founding Partner of the STUDIOS Paris office, Pierre has directed and overseen a multitude of projects throughout France, Europe and the Middle East that include site search, strategic and master planning, design and construction.
With over 30 years of experience guiding corporate clients through complex projects, his strong leadership skills and ability to cultivate successful long-term relationships have been instrumental in the success of STUDIOS Paris. He is integrally involved in all of his projects from conceptual design through final construction.
Pierre is fluent in French, English and Greek.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
Architect DPLG
Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, Paris, France
Engineer ETP
Ordre des Architectes, France
Key Projects

Sophie Henley-Price, MBA
“I’m proud of our people, more than any individual project we’ve done. I build client relationships, but I spend just as much energy making sure we have those great teams together that will show up knowing how to service the client and continuously provide great work.”
Sophie is the consummate diplomat. She sees the strengths and potential in others and, perhaps due to an international upbringing, has a gift for connecting with all kinds of people. Phenomenal is always her goal. With sky-high standards and an appreciation for the vision of clients, Sophie sets the stage for design excellence. She’s extremely mindful of the fit between client and talent, and works hard to ensure teams are ideally suited for the relevant challenge and sensibility. Sophie firmly believes in the importance of courtesy and kindness in life and work, and that there is much to be gained by showing respect for others and their differences.
Since landing at STUDIOS in 2007, Sophie has led and significantly expanded business development and marketing efforts. Her strong organizational skills, business acumen, and ability to forge new relationships have launched STUDIOS into new markets and broadened design services within core markets. Sophie believes that STUDIOS’ blend of base building and interiors is both enriching and essential, and that the lack of silos in the firm’s organisation along with its entrepreneurial spirit allows for broader vision and added insight.
She is fluent in French and English.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Master of Business Administration
University College London, UK, French & History of Art
BA Joint Honours
ULI France, Steering Committee

Alexandra Villegas, DEPF, SIA, MBA
“Society is transforming itself all the time. It affects the way we work, live, and play. You have to have the expertise, observation and antennas for what a building is telling you, what the city is telling you, what people’s behaviors are telling you. I help turn it all into something that gets articulated into space.”
Alexandra’s forward-thinking leadership brings wider understanding to STUDIOS, as she’s in tune with the worlds of both business and architecture. She has leveraged her dual training in management consulting and architecture to pioneer workplace strategy, creating new frameworks and approaches to assess the value that space can bring to an organization.
Alexandra is also highly experienced in master planning, with a passion for exciting, collaborative environments that truly foster innovation. She brings together rigorous, data-driven analysis and a deeply human sense of space to drive profound workplace transformation.
Since Alexandra’s arrival in 1994, she’s been instrumental in developing the strategic Workplace consulting and change management practice. Alexandra’s abilities, in forging lasting relationships and addressing the needs of highly demanding users, enable her to successfully lead multi-faceted projects. She’s adept at coordinating diverse teams while contributing in-depth knowledge of strategic programming with a future focus.
Alexandra is fluent in French, English and Spanish.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Master of Business Administration
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne, Switzerland
Architect DEPF
Architect DEPF, Ordre des Architectes Ile de France ; Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes (SIA), Switzerland
Key Projects

Jason McCarthy, AIA
Managing Principal
“What stands out for me is when we find those moments that are unexpected. That heightened sense of experience or awareness of your environment as it’s engaging you in a way that other places don’t. People don’t expect that. It’s a lot more fun and interesting.”
Empathy and intuition are essential to Jason’s work, in addition to wide-ranging practical and technical expertise. With a background in the arts, he treats space as a sculptural object, creating moments of delight and encouraging people to interact.
Jason joined STUDIOS in 1993 with a rare combination of design vision, in-depth technical knowledge, and leadership brought to his work. As a designer, architect, and manager, he’s able to quickly absorb the key elements of his clients’ culture, and synthesize the myriad complex goals, influences, and opportunities that are unique to each project. Jason has experience across diverse project types and scales. He has managed and/or designed many of the firm’s significant and award-winning solutions, including headquarters, laboratory facilities, R&D and manufacturing, academic projects, and commercial interiors. Jason has also worked on several large-scale projects in China.
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Marc Pfenninger, AIA
Principal, CEO
“I’m very much an optimist. I have a core belief that with a positive mindset and optimistic attitude, you will achieve something amazing. You will push the ball forward. How can you make that incremental change? And not give up? You just need to keep pushing it a little further, and further.”
Marc seeks out challenges—the more complicated the better. With unwavering optimism, he guides clients and teams through complexity toward easier paths and unexpectedly elegant solutions. Marc is skilled at navigating the multi-layered decisions that arise throughout the strategic planning, design and construction phases. His knack for storytelling allows him to create shared understanding, keeping projects focused and moving forward. For Marc, the best reward is when clients are wowed by a built solution that they didn’t initially imagine was possible.
Since joining STUDIOS in 1999, Marc has led civic, institutional, and commercial projects for education, tech, law, and other clients. Regardless of the type of work, Marc puts a strong emphasis on understanding the cultural and practical needs of his clients. He consistently leverages the unique qualities of an organization to produce design solutions that clearly express and support their identity and values, while also being highly functional.
University of California, Berkeley
Master of Urban Design
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
DIPA, Florence, Italy
Architectural Studies
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects
Technology Client Workplace, Seattle, WA
Technology Client Workplace, San Francisco, CA

Enrique Sánchez
“Beautiful, innovative spaces can have a transformative impact. Great design isn’t simply aesthetics–it needs to be driven by my clients and the people who make up their unique culture.”
Enrique focuses on designing spaces that connect with the people who use them. He makes understanding his clients and their organization central to the design process. His training as a certified professional coach enables him to listen, understand what makes others tick, and support them in contributing with their own voice. Enrique is passionate about accessibility, universal design, and creating spaces that welcome everyone. He loves helping people grow. He is a valued mentor, committed to providing ongoing learning resources for his colleagues. Enrique is a co-chair of STUDIOS’ firmwide Growth & Opportunity Council and a member of our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Council. He also serves on the board of Creativity Explored, which gives artists with developmental disabilities the means to create and share their work.
Since joining STUDIOS in 2000, Enrique has become known as a highly creative designer with detailed knowledge of architectural products and furniture systems. He brings a keen ability to build strong relationships with clients and across teams. He has worked with clients across industries on a range of project types, including interiors, new construction, and renovation.
University of California, Berkeley
Master of Architecture
University Nacional Autónoma de México
American Institute of Architects (AIA), International Associate Member
Key Projects

Ashton Allan, AIA
“I love that at STUDIOS, we’re not serving ourselves, we’re serving society while helping people realize their visions. When we can do that well, that’s what’s satisfying.”
Test, test again, and let the best idea rise to the top. Ashton approaches design with the spirit of a fearless explorer. He knows that while an early, seemingly crazy idea may not be the answer—it could be the spark that lights the way. Ashton uncovers and asks the unasked questions to gain a thorough understanding of the client’s problem and the barriers in the way of a solution. With a full grasp of the challenge, he loves diving into complexity and formulating big-picture concepts. Ashton is proud of work that not only fulfills specific goals, but also feels distinctly of the client’s place and purpose.
Ashton enjoys the fluidity of collaboration at STUDIOS. His ability to move between genres, from master planning to interiors, encourages highly creative thinking and the making of unlikely connections. His experience includes large-scale office buildings and corporate campuses, as well as mixed-use and institutional projects that demonstrate how architecture, site, and program come together to solve complicated issues.
Yale School of Architecture
Master of Architecture
Brown University
Bachelor of Arts, Music
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Brian Pilot, AIA
“When the physical environment is promoting positive social change, that gets me really energized, whether it’s a park or a residential tower.”
Brian is an unstoppable problem-solver, driven to use design as a means for overcoming any obstacle. With wide-ranging experience, particularly across mixed use, education, and civic projects, he’s comfortable wearing many hats—whatever is required to get the best possible results for his clients. Brian has a strong passion for designs that impact the public realm. Whether creating a home away from home for wounded warriors, or a city park for residents from all walks of life, he appreciates opportunities to help clients uplift people and communities.
Since joining the team in 1999, Brian’s leadership has been associated with many of the most complex and award-winning projects in STUDIOS’ history. He’s an active member of numerous real estate organizations and a frequent juror and speaker at university and industry events. Brian also serves on The Catholic University of America's School of Architecture and Planning's Advisory Board, where he received his Master of Architecture and was awarded the AIA Henry Adams Medal for the highest academic achievement in his class.
The Catholic University of America
Master of Architecture
College of William & Mary
Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Urban Land Institute Housing Initiative Council
The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning, Advisory Board
NAIOP Maryland/DC
Key Projects

Christopher Budd
“I made the very best decision in coming to STUDIOS—and I’ve never doubted it. Every voice is heard and valued in this environment of constant innovation.”
Christopher can be found out front -ahead of the curve, showing what’s possible even when others say it can’t be done. He has had a life-long passion for adaptive environments that are resilient and responsive to both incremental and transformational change. With a strong grasp of analytics, he helped pioneer the notion of workplace strategy before most people knew what it was. Christopher’s background in social science, engineering, and design equips him to envision innovation on a sweeping, holistic scale and facilitate its execution. He has unique experience in large scale, high security projects most notably includes the 4.5 million sf renovation of the Pentagon. By totally rethinking the building’s infrastructure, Christopher developed a new concept that allows for immediate radical redesign and organization in response to world events and changes in administration. This solution, like so many others Christopher has devised, has resulted in extreme waste reduction, near zero cost of ongoing modification, reduced labor costs, abbreviated construction schedules, and maximum user control.
In 1989, Christopher joined STUDIOS with a focus on planning, product design and environmental research. After receiving his MS in Environmental Analysis from Cornell University, he helped establish STUDIOS Consulting Services, a research-based resource for workplace and institutional strategies. He continues to develop ethnographic and survey-based tools to evaluate the impact of an organization’s talent, processes, and physical environment on their business and ability to achieve their mission. Christopher’s approach to flexible infrastructures merges construction, engineering, design and planning concepts to generate the highest possible value for STUDIOS’ clients.
Cornell University
Master of Science, Environmental Analysis
University of Kansas
Bachelor of Fine Arts
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
GSA Total Workplace Partner
Key Projects

Marnique Heath, FAIA
Principal, Board Chair
Marnique Heath, FAIA is a Principal and Chair of the Board of Directors of STUDIOS Architecture, an international design firm specializing in workplace, civic and institutional, and mixed‐use projects. At STUDIOS, she oversees an innovative design practice with a diverse client base, including the District and Federal government, educational and cultural institutions, non‐profit organizations, and many private corporations. She is highly valued for her efforts to lead the firm into a new generation of industry practice where diverse interests and backgrounds must be valued and represented to create inclusive places and communities. She also reinforces climate justice as essential for creating equitable communities.
Through civic engagement, Marnique leads with a focus on the greater common good. She chairs the District of Columbia Historic Preservation Review Board at the appointment of Mayor Muriel Bowser, and she previously chaired the District of Columbia Board of Zoning Adjustment. She is known for her ability to merge divergent groups and interests to create an outcome where all stakeholders’ voices are evident. She amplifies the history of marginalized communities by creating new historic districts and landmarks, including the Kingman Park Historic District and the Barry Farms District.
Marnique is a member of the American Institute of Architects’ College of Fellows, recognition achieved by only 3% of members of the AIA for significant contribution to the profession and society.
Outside of professional and service work, Marnique enjoys spending time with her husband, Kenyattah Robinson, and son, Markus, and traveling whenever possible.
University of Virginia
Master of Architecture
University of Virginia
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Fellow
DC Historic Preservation Review Board, Chair
DC Board of Zoning Adjustment, Chair
DC Board of Zoning Adjustment, Board Member

James Cowey, DESA, AIA, MBA
“Experience engenders confidence. Confidence allows for greater modesty. We need to be daring and innovative, but also humble, listening to what people have to say. By sitting back and listening, we learn, and we might come up with something different … and more exciting.”
Jim’s work bridges two cultures and two worlds of expertise. After training and working as an architect in the States and earning his MBA in France, he joined STUDIOS as a finance manager. An impromptu sketch session led to more, and the rest is history. Jim is well known for leading breakthrough architecture and design, made possible by a strong ability to build consensus across diverse points of view. Whether working in the US or France, collaborating with a client or staff, taking on a highly visible museum project or a modest city building, his goal is always the same: help people thrive, succeed, and grow.
Since joining STUDIOS in 1996, Jim has managed expansive teams for diverse programs and major international clients. His instinct for applying technology to the architectural process, and streamlining project communication and output, has enabled him to successfully lead many of the most ambitious projects in STUDIOS’ history.
Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, Paris, France
Rice University, Texas, USA
Master of Architecture
University of Virginia, USA
Bachelor of Science - Architecture
HEC, Paris, France
Master of Business Administration
Massachusetts, USA; Ordre des Architectes, France
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Nathan Minch, AIA
“One of the things I love about architecture is that you get a result that’s tangible. There’s no better feeling than to imagine something with a client, and then being able to experience it together.”
With an eye on every detail, and the ability to look past perceived limits, Nathan’s projects are clearly well-crafted. He brings together the right talent for clients, building teams and rapport both locally and across multiple offices, outside of traditional regional boundaries. His projects are known for their thoughtful design and delivery. Not content with a broad strokes approach, Nathan enjoys harnessing a big idea and figuring out how best to deliver final results beyond expectation.
Nathan joined STUDIOS in 2000 with a focus on ground-up buildings, major building renovations, and large interior projects involving significant building modifications. His understanding of building infrastructure and tenant placemaking has led to major hospitality work around the country. Over the years, Nathan’s body of work has expanded to include hotel re-branding, multi-family residential amenities, and national corporate offices. Nathan’s role now emphasizes client project leadership, development of support teams across the country for national clients, quality control, and technical coordination of design disciplines.
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
The Economic Club of Washington, DC, Member
Key Projects

Darryl Roberson, FAIA
Founding Principal, Principal Emeritus
Darryl co-founded STUDIOS in 1985. As a Founding Principal, he was instrumental in guiding the policies and the extraordinary growth and reputation of STUDIOS, nationally and internationally, as well as the design of major projects. He announced his retirement in December 2013.
Over his more than 50 years of practice, Darryl received national recognition and an extensive history of awards, as well as professional and community acknowledgment. He was at the forefront of commercial architecture for his entire career, first in the establishment of interiors work as a legitimate and vital form of architecture, and more recently, in the design of urban development and institutional buildings. Darryl led the movement to create more flexible office environments, employing new systems and concepts to develop models for the physical organization and design expression of workplaces. His experience has encompassed innovative interiors for Fortune 500 and high technology companies, as well as law, financial services and consulting firms. He also led multiple higher education projects, including several for his alma mater UC Berkeley.
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Architecture, cum laude
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Erik Sueberkrop, FAIA
Founding Principal, Chair Emeritus
“GREAT work has that little bit that exceeds expectation. People like architects or artists or scientists always have great expectations. Always strive for the best. There is pleasure in the striving. And that’s what breeds good collaboration—that striving together. And that in turn brings a certain spirit and emotion to and into the work. It’s problem-solving with joy.”
Design guy at heart with a hands-on approach. Erik and his co-founders launched STUDIOS in pursuit of a simple goal: Do great work. To them, that meant close partnership, with leadership, staff and clients all in it together. In 1985, he built a relationship with the folks at Apple Computer earning STUDIOS’ first client. Since then, STUDIOS has grown its reputation for worldwide design leadership, ranging from tech and commercial to research and academic clients.
Throughout Erik’s diverse experience across planning, architecture, and interior design, he has always been integrally involved from conceptual design through final construction. He also led the establishment of STUDIOS’ SF, LA, and Paris offices. While his best reviews come from clients, Erik’s groundbreaking work has been frequently awarded and featured in Architectural Record, Architecture, Time, GA Document, Progressive Architecture, and other publications.
University of Cincinnati, Bachelor of Arts
Architecture, magna cum laude
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Thomas Yee, AIA
Principal, Chair Emeritus
“I was born in America and grew up in a family of first-generation immigrants from mainland China. It gave me an appreciation for how different people live, and understanding where they are coming from. One of my roles in STUDIOS leadership is to assimilate information from different points of view and find direction from that.”
Tom is a decidedly thoughtful leader with a pure passion for design. His brings a unique ability to consider and coalesce differing perspectives, which has helped STUDIOS thrive through many evolutionary shifts. Tom’s steady, even-keeled influence has been the key to long-term cultivation of client relationships of all kinds around the world, including many in mainland China. From Shanghai and into northeast and south China, he’s spearheaded the design of large-scale cultural facilities that defy precedent. His projects there include numerous performing arts centers, museums and theaters, all of which enrich community life and celebrate local cultural nuances.
In his 40 years as an architect, Tom has focused on design and management of complex projects and coordination of design and consultant teams. He’s partnered extensively with workplace clients, providing master planning, architecture and interiors services for firms across industries, including tech pioneers, leading law firms, pharma innovators and beyond. Looking forward, he’s excited to see architecture continue to embrace flexibility and address broader issues in an ever more connected world.
University of Michigan
Master of Architecture
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, cum laude
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Amanda Cozens
Associate Principal, Director of Marketing
Working alongside our leadership team, Amanda crafts marketing communications and implement public relations efforts. Academically trained in architecture, her knowledge of design has played a critical role in her success to communicate and assist in the creation of content authentic to STUDIOS' multidisciplinary practice and vast portfolio of work.
Using her architectural experience to cultivate her marketing skill set, Amanda has always been drawn to the significance of representation and storytelling in communicating a project’s intent to people of all backgrounds. She works to do just that across internal and external material development, copywriting, media relations, as well as STUDIOS’ digital platforms and print materials.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Architecture

Victoria Kleyzor, MBA
Associate Principal, Director of Marketing and Business Development
Victoria provides creative, innovative, enthusiastic, and forward-thinking leadership to the STUDIOS marketing team. She brings over 15 years of experience in marketing, brand and communications strategy, and event and campaign planning. Her responsibilities include business development and client relations management. Victoria’s creative yet analytical approach allows her to wear many hats and continue to propel the STUDIOS brand into new markets. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and her ability to connect with others makes her a vital part of the STUDIOS leadership team.
Victoria speaks fluently in five different languages and has recently started learning her sixth. Her greatest passions are design and travel. She loves discovering new places and embracing different cultures, particularly through their people (and gastronomy!).
Nova Southeastern University
MBA, International Business
The American Business School of Paris
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration

Kelly Kennedy
Associate Principal, Director of Business Development
Kelly has over a decade’s experience in client and brand development, and works on everything from big picture ideation to specific pursuits. At STUDIOS, she leads the West Coast Division’s business development efforts across multiple sectors and markets. She brings empathy, creativity, and thoughtfulness to her work whether pursuing opportunities, strategizing with leadership, or meeting with current and future clients.
A relationship builder, Kelly maintains a professional network of contacts across the globe and is always happy to make introductions. She has traveled extensively while conducting market research and this explorer’s spirit is apparent in her creative problem solving and her eagerness to learn new skills. For Kelly, a challenge is an opportunity to learn or to try something new.
University of Southern Maine
Bachelor of Science, Marketing

Anthony Briscoe
Associate Principal, Operations Manager
Using an organized and proactive approach to office management, Anthony is an integral part of streamlining the successful operations of STUDIOS' Washington, DC and New York offices. Whether he's leading the day-to-day operations of each office, overseeing the management of contractors and contracts, managing STUDIOS' support staff, or leading project staffing and workload forecasting, Anthony enables STUDIOS' projects and teams to work in tandem with one another to meet the goals of our clients.
Anthony also supports STUDIOS' Principals and Managing Principals to achieve long-term office, divisional, and firm-wide goals. Throughout his extensive career at STUDIOS, he has held a variety of positions focused on the operations and management of STUDIOS' internal organization.
Strayer University

Bernadette Singh
Director of Human Resources
With a passion for bringing people together and supporting growth, Bernadette leads all human resources initiatives for the firm. For more than fifteen years she has been committed to ensuring STUDIOS employees have the mental and physical support they need, whether in or out of the office.
A certified benefits professional, Bernadette uses her in-depth knowledge and experience of the field to develop and maintain a rich and competitive benefits package for our staff. She successfully manages the global needs of STUDIOS' diverse, international workforce in concert with our design-oriented and corporate goals, allowing STUDIOS to maintain and attract some of the most talented architects and interior designers in North America and Europe.
University of Guyana
Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communications

Cayce Becket, AIA
Associate Principal
Cayce develops integrated workplace strategies—working with leaders of evolving organizations to articulate a clear and positive path for the emerging life of each project. Her focus on upfront discovery, observation, and planning establishes a framework aimed at developing and maintaining design aspirations through all phases of a project.
Cayce is a third-generation architect with 20 years of New York based experience—synthesizing evolving objectives, functional performance and aspirational sensibilities into thoughtfully innovative solutions which resonate with an organization’s culture and purpose—and elevating ways of working through time.
Pratt Institute
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
Fitwel Ambassador

Garrett Brignoli
Inspired by craft and the art of making, Garrett celebrates the design process. Garrett is a skilled translator and communicator of design and he promotes the importance of verbal and visual storytelling in bringing all audiences, particularly clients, into the process. He challenges himself and his teams to refine this process, communicating complex spatial and organizational concepts through simple yet evocative visuals. Garrett’s process fosters trust and allows clients to take bigger risks and discover the transformative properties of design.
Joining STUDIOS because of the space afforded to exploration, Garrett has worked on a variety of project types and scales. Armed with an innate sense of scale and proportion, he often pushes clients to see past the limitations of space or real estate to drive innovation for global law firms to media companies and international institutions. The openness with which he approaches each project allows him to design a custom reception desk or a base building with the same level of thoughtfulness and rigor.
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

Graham Clegg, AIA
“Design is successful when it seems like it’s been effortless. Even when a lot of effort has gone into it. Especially with a renovation project, it’s a success when the result feels like it always should have been that way.”
Graham distills complex challenges down to their essence, arriving at potent yet elegant solutions. Raised in a family full of creatives, he is first and foremost a maker. Graham is inspired by the challenge of design and seeks out solutions unique to each client and building. He takes pride in true collaboration, bringing together multi-disciplinary teams and fostering contributions from each team member—no matter their role—to elevate the work. Graham builds lasting client relationships, establishing trust and partnership that allows the team to take the necessary risks to realize even greater designs.
Since joining STUDIOS over 17 years ago, Graham has worked on some of STUDIOS’ most complex and award-winning repositioning and renovation projects and has established himself as a leader of this expertise within the firm. He works with clients to create new futures for aging assets, finding true success when a project is viewed as a natural fit for the site, building, and neighborhood.
Roger Williams University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), member
Key Projects

Frank Gesualdi
Associate Principal
With endless curiosity, Frank moves past traditional expectations about architecture and the design process to find truly innovative paths forward. He keeps a beat on the pulse by remaining active in the academic realm--teaching, reviewing, learning--and finds renewed passion in the diverse perspectives of new generations of designers. Frank pushes himself and his team members to subscribe to a sense of discovery in the design process, knowing that the first answer is rarely the right one and following an open dialogue of design, we can realize solutions with a surprising sphere of impact.
Frank is a highly skilled designer with experience in civic, cultural, and workplace projects, always bringing fresh design thinking to each new opportunity. As a graphic storyteller, he puts pen to paper first, working out the concept from 30,000 ft or perfecting a detail. This informal yet informed approach makes design and the process more approachable for his clients and supports increased engagement from the entire team. He finds inspiration from all aspects of the process, from large consultant meetings where you can learn about all the trades to designing Nike’s headquarters steeped in culture, fashion, and community.
Columbia University
Master of Science, Advanced Architectural Design
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

Mike Krochmaluk
Associate Principal
As a true problem solver, Mike is driven by complex challenges and thrives in large dynamic project teams. He finds true success in being part of a team with diverse talents uniquely suited to the project and client; driving power design solutions. Always looking to raise the bar, Mike is constantly pushing himself and his teams to test and try new techniques, not accepting what has worked before, but innovating to accomplish real results for his clients.
During his time at STUDIOS, Mike has had the opportunity to work on many large-scale projects for media, tech, and financial organizations. As a skilled Project Architect, Mike integrates functional requirements and intelligent details that make the whole design sing. His informed approach has made all the difference for many of STUDIOS’ long-term and repeat clients, building trust and partnership to collectively achieve more.
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

Alessandro Mascia, AIA
Associate Principal
As a former drummer, Alessandro understands the rhythm of design. He finds satisfaction in the process—beat by beat—a cadence of interactions between team members, consultants, and clients. For him, time spent facilitating and refining the collaborative process is invaluable, requiring constant management to maintain a harmonious balance and ultimately to realize a successful project.
Alessandro tracks his affinity for problem-solving and technical design back through his Italian lineage of engineers and architects. Having practiced internationally and worked on projects across the world, he is fascinated with the notion that design as a language connects individuals regardless of time and space. Alessandro’s 20 years of experience on a diverse range of projects brings a sense of fearlessness to his work, he has confidence that there is no challenge that he and the STUDIOS team cannot solve. He’s brought this leadership from day one at STUDIOS, where he jumped into work with a new client, Eataly, to establish a new market experience in New York and ultimately lead a successful partnership and completion of four locations.
Sapienza University of Rome
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

David Must, AIA
Associate Principal
As a problem solver, David seeks out lasting solutions that drive innovation rooted in design excellence, sustainability, and user experience. His work on large scale projects affords him an in-depth understanding of how projects with multiple facets come together to create timeless designs responsive to a changing environment. David’s focus on the environment extends across his work not only addressing conservation of conventional energy, but the massive investment of embodied carbon through adaptive reuse and preservation of the built fabric. David is in a unique position to see these concepts to fruition—he is at the center of a complex web of constituents, agencies, consultants, and designers with a technical prowess to support greater value for all stakeholders.
A project manager with over 30 years of experience, David has worked on public projects for courthouses, libraries, and schools as well as commercial work. He brings this diverse experience to his work at STUDIOS focusing on large-scale repositioning, renovation, and adaptive reuse projects, most notably 200 Fifth Avenue and the long-term repositioning of Chelsea Market. David has proven time and again his strength in managing internal and external teams to reimagine dated or historic structures with a focus on driving value for the client, the environment and the users.
Yale University
Master of Architecture
Yale University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
Key Projects

Tomás Quijada, AIA
Associate Principal
With a passion for creating and building relationships, Tomás traverses the design process with the expertise and connection of the collective team. He finds the collaborative process to be just as lucrative as a successful solution, cultivating lasting client relationships built on trust and proven experience. Tomás is a proponent for building and nurturing a team oriented environment at all scales, within project teams, the studio, or the community. He looks for ways to organize people and spur open dialogue to bring everyone to the table to not only share in the responsibilities and joy of the design process, but also the rewarding realization of a project’s impact.
His 18 years of experience as a technical architect with expertise in commercial interiors, has positioned Tomás as a knowledgeable resource within the firm and an invaluable asset to each of his projects and clients. His most successful projects find harmony in creating beautiful space and forms that are rooted in refined details, including the sleek 1500 Broadway lobby, intimate Obica mozzarella bar, and the highly-functional Komar Brands Headquarters. Tomás is a trusted project leader who leverages his deep knowledge of the construction, documentation, and approval processes to guide his clients and teams to more intelligent and successful outcomes.
Columbia University
Master of Architecture, Advanced Architectural Design
University of Oregon
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member

Sara Schuster, AIA
A student and educator always, Sara seeks to inhabit both roles in work and life. She is motivated by designs that defy expectations, those that allow companies to work in new ways they couldn’t imagine or that transform a 400-year-old institution’s mission into tangible architectural solutions. Sara doesn’t take these client partnerships or the unique opportunity to be immersed in their culture for granted. As a leader, she encourages teams to learn from clients, consultants, and team members as much as guide them through the design process to realize more enlightened designs together.
In Sara’s 20 years at STUDIOS, she has worked on a diverse range of projects from building renovations, to workplace and institutional design. Sara took the opportunity to expand this diversity of work and location by spearheading STUDIOS’ initiatives in India, ultimately leading a large-scale residential development as well as competition entries and headquarters collaborations in the region. Central to her work, both nationally and internationally, is a holistic approach to design, informed by her experience across traditional project roles and having guided projects from design through construction. This approach allows Sara to better direct her clients and project teams through an informed process to create responsive designs suited to each client, community, and context.
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects
American Institute of Architects, Member

Lee Sewell
Associate Principal
Always up for a challenge, Lee finds possibilities where others cannot. Looking for the opportunity in each client and project, she pushes design to not only meet the immediate needs of an organization, but to elevate everyday rituals and motivate those who use it. Lee is inspired by the chance to make an impact through design—whether that means helping a client align their business goals with design solutions for a renovation-in-place or defining how local art can support the mission of a non profit organization.
Lee joined STUDIOS over 10 years ago, first in our Washington, DC office and now in New York, providing unique workplace solutions for large and small scale organizations. She has worked with a range of clients from education and government to legal and non-profit and she’s always looking for design which can improve their physical space and the work that they do. During her time at STUDIOS, Lee has excelled in technical and design-oriented roles and brings this well rounded perspective to bear on each unique project and process.
University of Kansas
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interior Design
International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Member
Key Projects

Lang Shaw, AIA
Associate Principal
From miles above to exacting details, Lang is able bring unique solutions to the most complex problems. He is inspired by the teams he is a part of and how they can come together to develop and implement creative, even groundbreaking, solutions. Lang is driven to design with an eye for a more sustainable future, expanding initiatives and solutions for his clients as well as establishing himself as a resource within the office.
With nearly two decades of experience, Lang has had the opportunity to work on work across all scales. His work spans large-scale urban design and site planning to core and shell building design and intricate building renovations. In each case, Lang builds strong relationships across the entire project team— from client to contractor — to realize tailored solutions which surpass expectations.
Columbia University
Master of Architecture and Urban Design
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member

David Guichard, DPLG
Associate Principal
David’s design expertise, and solid technical training in naval architecture, have enabled him to lead many large and complex projects.
David joined STUDIOS in 2009 at the end of a rich and varied experience in France and abroad. His expertise in matters involving design, coupled with his solid technical foundation, have enabled him to successfully complete complex large scale projects ranging from museums to hospitals by way of housing. David is now leading the Fondation Luma project, after collaborating on the Fondation Louis Vuitton museum, in charge of the complex outer structure of the museum. He contributes moreover to university life by teaching naval architecture at the ENSA of Paris La Villette. David is fluent in French and English.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette, France
Ecole d’Art Maryse Eloy, Paris, France
Diploma in Graphic Design
Ordre des Architectes, France
Key Projects

Tae-Jun Ahn, DPLG
Associate Principal
Tae-Jun’s double training enables him to quickly upstream synthesizes his projects and site-related constraints. Born in Seoul in South Korea, Tae-Jun is a highly experienced architect, structural and civil engineer. Since joining STUDIOS in 2005, he has become a key leader on complex architectural projects, ranging from the renovation of office buildings to the design of major mixed use operations. Thanks to his alert mind and sharp analytical skills, his broad-ranging skills, combined with an in-depth knowledge of design and a perfect understanding of construction techniques allow him to create innovative and pragmatic design solutions that exceed clients’ expectations. Tae-Jun is fluent in French and Korean.
Perpignan University, France
Master 2 in Law and Urban Planning;
Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles, France
Master’s degree “Historic Gardens, Heritage and Landscaping”
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Versailles, France
Architecture and Engineering Diploma
National Military Academy, Seoul, South Korea, Master’s Degree in Military Science; Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea
Architecture and Engineering Diploma
National Academy of Engineering, Seoul, South Korea
Architecture and Engineering Diploma
Ordre des Architectes, France
Key Projects

Hidékazu Moritani, DESA, HMNOP
« The ability to listen and to observe is at the heart of my work as an architect. I look to understand the potential of a space or of a site, and to understand the client’s objectives. Only then can I think about how to bring value to the project. It is about opening one’s mind to explore all the possibilities in order to find the right answer. »
For Hidékazu, the purpose of his work is to empower people. Rather than the design of physical space, he views architecture as the design of a range of activities and new possibilities for those who live and work in the space. Fully versatile, he incorporates complex organizational challenges with a strong design vision to propose innovative tailor-made solutions both in architecture and interior design projects that have resulted in break through solutions for a diverse array of clients.
Since joining STUDIOS in 2005, initially as an intern, Hidékazu has driven the success of many notable architecture and interior projects. His focus on detail, his thoughtful approach and his exceptional creativity bring significant added value to projects, meeting his clients’ needs but also exceeding their expectations.
Skilled at encouraging and facilitating collaboration, Hidékazu also has an ability to bring people together, to cultivate a collective understanding, and to move the process forward. He is fueled by the energy that comes from teamwork, and finds inspiration in robust design discussions with all stakeholders to bring lasting solutions.
Hidékazu is fluent in French, English and Japanese.
Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris, France
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Ecole Polytechnique (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland
Ordre des Architectes, France
Key Projects

Cliff Peterson, AIA
Associate Principal
Cliff brings over 30 years of architectural experience with master planning, entitlements, new construction, renovations, and interior architecture for commercial buildings, university campuses, laboratories, and manufacturing, among other project types. Cliff has managed large, complex programs and schedules with multi-layered teams, many with fast track CM at Risk delivery methods and multiple phases.
As our West Coast Director of Technical Architecture and Quality Control, Cliff provides guidance for our entire office on QA / QC and also closely monitors industry trends, and provides ongoing education to all staff.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bachelor of Science Architectural Studies
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Karen Koenig
Associate Principal
“I’ve built personal friendships with many of my clients. They know that I’ll listen to them and they value my opinion. This builds trust, which leads to mutual respect and friendship.”
When it comes to her professional life, Karen values her long-term relationships with her clients above all else. For her, design is all about balancing her clients’ near- and long-term goals to create something that can both stand the test of time and adapt to meet their changing needs. Simply put, Karen is happy when her clients are happy.
Karen joined STUDIOS in 1997 and has since led the design for all scale of projects—her first at STUDIOS was 1.5 million sq ft of interiors within the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. She has worked extensively with law firms clients across the country and internationally, as well as tech, finance, and pharmaceutical companies. Outside of her project work, Karen regularly volunteers for design industry efforts—including the Leap Sandcastle Classic and We Care—to raise money for arts education in schools, and provide support for kids from low-income families.
Arizona State University
Bachelor of Science, Interior Architecture

Jeong Choi, AIA
A strong designer with detailed technical knowledge, Jeong takes a holistic approach to his work, crafting a unique process, and building trust with clients. He is inspired by the distinctive aspirations and constraints of each project, translating them into elegant and purposeful design forms. A firm believer that projects are most successful when there is shared ownership and everyone is a resource, he empowers his teams to do their best work.
Since joining STUDIOS in 2003, Jeong has led the design of some of our largest and most notable projects, including historic building renovations, new lab and classroom facilities, and multi-phased technology and R&D campuses. He is fluent in English and Korean.
University of Oregon
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Kevin Crossman, AIA
Associate Principal
Kevin joined STUDIOS in 1997. In addition to outstanding design abilities, Kevin has a thorough knowledge of project management, technical implementation, and field administration. He has served as project manager and senior architect on multiple office and laboratory projects for technology, R&D, and education clients, as well as for numerous interiors and renovation projects for both tenants and building owners.
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Stuart Doyle
Associate Principal
“I love playing the role of a critical thinker on a project. Understanding and harmonizing the sensitivities of context with a client’s particular goals—all through the lens of architecture—is what excites me.”
Having grown up roaming the Oregon wilderness and later working across multiple states and countries, Stuart developed a strong resourcefulness in new environments. An active listener and thoughtful facilitator, he cultivates a holistic project approach and drives effective team decision-making throughout the process.
Stuart’s work ranges from large-scale urban commercial and mixed-use developments to workplace interiors for technology and R&D clients. He is a member of STUDIOS’ Climate Committee, which is dedicated to exploring emerging materials, techniques, and technologies to reduce carbon emissions and improve building performance.
Montana State University
Master of Architecture
Montana State University
Bachelor of Environmental Design
Key Projects
Technology Client Workplace, Seattle, WA
88 Bluxome Mixed-Use Development, San Francisco, CA

Kristian Passanita
“I really enjoy getting to know my clients—having them take part in the design and making sure they understand the process is key. Seeing happy clients living in the spaces we created together is the most rewarding part of my job.”
Kristian is a people person. Whether he’s designing a workplace, a museum, or a residence, he immerses himself in his clients’ cultures to learn how they work, how they live, and what they need to thrive both in their professional and personal lives. This inherent curiosity drives him to develop thoughtful, tailored designs that are shaped by the same people who will experience them every day.
After 13 years in our Washington, DC office, Kristian came west to San Francisco in 2020. He draws from his knowledge across many project types—workplace, civic, cultural, education, residential, and hospitality—infusing his work with elements from each to create rich, multi-layered spaces and experiences. Kristian is a member of STUDIOS’ firmwide Communications Council.
Kent State University
Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Design
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member
Key Projects
Confidential R&D Client Office & Lab, Redmond, WA
NeighborWorks America
Confidential Technology Client Workplace Interiors, Fremont, CA
Association of American Medical Colleges
Confidential R&D Client Biometrics Lab and Workplace, Silicon Valley, CA

Allen Beall, AIA
Associate Principal
As evidenced by his leadership on a large number of award-winning projects, Allen believes that a culture that values a high level of design and execution creates stronger projects, thus resulting in a better experience for end-users. His work at STUDIOS has ranged from complex tech and data center projects to large, mixed-use developments in the Washington, DC area and beyond.
With over twenty years of experience, Allen offers a well-rounded design and documentation skill set, establishing a project environment that fosters collaboration at all levels. His passion for detailing and documentation has enabled him to be the recipient of multiple awards at the University of Maryland, College Park including the Margaret Cook Award for Historic Preservation and the AIA Henry Adams Medal for the highest academic achievement in his class.
University of Maryland
Master of Architecture
University of Maryland
Certificate in Historic Preservation
University of Maryland
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Erin Carlisle, AIA
Erin has an innate ability to design creative environments that foster and support learning and civic engagement at every scale. Whether it's the transformation of a historic university building into a state-of-the-art business school facility, the modernization of a 200-year-old square in downtown Washington, DC, or a ground-up charter school for under served communities, Erin leads the design, documentation, and client leadership for some of STUDIOS most complex and award-winning projects to-date.
Erin resolves complex design and construction issues across a range of project types, including corporate interiors, complex modernizations, headquarters, and building transformations. Notable projects include Franklin Park, the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America, and the Bellisario Media Center at the Pennsylvania State University, among others.
University of Maryland
Master of Architecture
University of Maryland
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Hiroshi Jacobs, AIA
Associate Principal
Fueled by the intersection of where art meets architecture, Hiroshi is always seeking out the opportunity to design, create, and innovate in every project he touches. Since joining STUDIOS in 2012, his creative eye pushes the boundary on what makes architecture art, successfully designing cutting-edge solutions for some of STUDIOS most complex projects, including the Georgetown School of Continuing Studies, KIPP DC College Prep near Union Market, 1500 Broadway in Times Square, Aubrey at The Highlands, and JBG Smith’s Midline & Reston Town Center West developments.
Hiroshi's commitment to making art an easily accessible experience for all extends beyond the walls of the office. He works with local arts organizations and developers in the Washington, DC area and beyond to create temporary and permanent public art installations, including CulturalDC's Mobile Art Gallery, among others. He was selected as an Outpost of Office US for the American Pavilion at the 2014 Venice Biennale, and received the 2014 National AIA Associates Award for his work in design and technology. Hiroshi has also held academic faculty positions at Tulane University, The Catholic University of America, University of Maryland, and Harvard University's GSD Career Discovery program. In 2015 he served on the jury for the 2015 National AIA Honor Awards for Collaborative Achievement.
Harvard University
Master of Design Studies
Tulane University
Master of Architecture
Tulane University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
CulturalDC Board Member
Montgomery County Department of Planning Art Review Panel
Urban Land Institute Regional Leadership Institute
University of Maryland, Faculty

“I love the process of design, listening, working with others, visioning what can be better, and then making that vision reality.”
As an Architect and Interior Designer, Jes understands how space can elevate the way we live and work. He takes a holistic approach to design, crossing sectors, bridging disciplines, and innovating solutions to deliver some of STUDIOS' most demanding and transformational projects.
Jes thrives in teams delivering large scale and complex projects. He works with government and corporate clients on projects ranging from Workplace Strategy and Programming, to new multi-million square foot facilities. Since joining STUDIOS in 2002, Jes has worked with high-profile clients in the United States and abroad. Significant projects include MetLife’s Retail Headquarters, the CSEC-Long Term Accommodation Project (CSEC-LTAP), the Department of Defense/BRAC-133 consolidation, the MacDonald Block Reconstruction Project, and the Pentagon Renovation Wedges 2 through 5.
University of Kentucky
Bachelor of Architecture
Architecture: DC, MD, VA, Interior Design: DC, MD, Ontario, Canada
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)
Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO)
City of Frederick, MD Historic Preservation Commission
Key Projects
The Pentagon Renovation
MetLife Retail Headquarters
GSA National Design Excellence IDIQ
Department of Defense BRAC-133
CSEC-Long Term Accommodation Project (CSEC-LTAP)

Jyutika Baheti, AIA
Associate Principal
Jyutika's ability to work across many market sectors on a national and international scale has allowed her to deliver large-scale complex projects in the United States, India, and beyond. Her projects demonstrate a high level of design innovation and technical excellence that regularly exceeds the goals of her clients.
Jyutika's exceptional project management skills has also led to the successful delivery of a number of notable multi-family projects including The Banks, Aubrey at The Highlands, Estate and Thompson Hotel at The Yards, Origin at Arlington, Eliot on 4th, Concord at 2600 Crystal Drive, and Market Square North. Other notable projects include The Pentagon, the United Nations Foundation, the Embassy of India Cultural Center, the Food and Drug Administration, Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies, and Eataly, among others.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Master of Architecture
Academy of Architecture, Mumbai
Diploma in Architecture
MD, India
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Indian Institute of Architecture

Maria Pacheco
Associate Principal
For over 20 years Maria has been an integral part of STUDIOS' design team in Washington, DC and New York, lending her expertise in interior design, furniture, and sustainability to a wide range of corporate and interiors projects. Working with clients to understand their identity, culture, and what makes them unique, she is adept at seamlessly translating these goals into the built environment. Maria's expertise is evident in her experience working with leaders in finance, entertainment, technology, and law, including Time Inc., Sony, and Hogan Lovells, among several others.
University of Venezuela
Bachelor of Architecture

Monica Castro
Managing Principal
Monica's experience in the architecture industry extends beyond one project type or sector. Her ability to engage with all stakeholders on a given project enables her to translate client goals into tangible yet innovative design concepts and transform them into buildable solutions that meet the goals, schedule, and budget of each project at every scale.
For over fifteen years, Monica has established trusted relationships with her peers, clients, design teams, and contractors, lending to her involvement on corporate interiors, law firms, and building repositioning projects in the Washington, DC area and beyond. Notable projects include Ballston Exchange, McCormick's Global Headquarters, the International Finance Corporation, and Silicon Valley Bank, among others.
The Catholic University of America
Master of Architecture
The Catholic University of America
Bachelor of Science, Architecture

Nathan Morris, AIA
Associate Principal
As a designer and technical architect at STUDIOS, Nathan has an extraordinary ability to integrate highly technical requirements into strong design solutions, making him an integral member of the design team for complex projects at all scales. He is known for leading several of STUDIOS' most transformational projects, including those that are rational, organized, and functional, yet highly impactful. Nathan never ceases to integrate the user experience and workplace innovation practices into his design approach, including cultural and process alignment, increased physical agility, technology innovation, and long term cost reduction.
Nathan joined STUDIOS in 2003 and has since established himself as a leader within the design staff. His work focuses on innovative workplace and amenity design for many of STUDIOS’ notable private, public, and non-profit clients. Recent projects include the GSA/EPA Conference Center, Association of American Medical Colleges, United Nations Foundation, and Federal Reserve Board.
University of Cincinnati
Master of Architecture
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Rachel Kenney, AIA
Associate Principal
Rachel's keen ability to resolve complex design and construction issues quickly across a broad range of project types, including demonstrated success in complex modernization and headquarters projects, has enabled her to design, document, and lead many of STUDIOS most innovative design projects in the Washington, DC office.
She is a leader of sustainability and acts as the DC coordinator for STUDIOS' 2030 commitment towards carbon neutrality. Rachel brings expertise and knowledge of sustainable building design practices, including sustainability and code compliance paths and LEED v4 certification for Schools and DC Green Construction Code. Significant projects include the District Department of Transportation, Office of the Attorney General, MacFarland Middle School, and Jefferson Academy, among others.
Syracuse University
Master of Architecture
University of Virginia
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Ruben Smudde
Associate Principal
Through an analytical and creative approach to design, Ruben uncovers potential in complex projects, delivering original and transformative solutions that inspire and evolve with time. Using strategic data collection, creative site analysis, and tailored workshops with end-users, he leads teams and clients to establish a workplace and design strategy that lays the foundation for ultimate design solutions.
Involved in some of STUDIOS' largest projects, Ruben evaluates design programs and provides solutions that work for organizations today and in the future. Ruben's approach to design is fueled by his international perspective and experience working across industries and sectors across the practice. Recent projects include Silicon Valley Bank, Urban Land Institute, Politico, and MetLife, among several others.
Delft University of Technology
Maste r of Architecture
Key Projects

Tammy Chan
Associate Principal
Tammy's holistic understanding of the design and construction process and eye for detail makes her invaluable to every project. A strong advocate for our clients best interests, her natural ability to work on multiple tasks simultaneously has led to her inclusion on a number of high-end law firm projects, including Arent Fox, Cooley LLP and Skadden Arps. Tammy's international design experience on hospitality, residential and healthcare projects in South Korea, Singapore, Qatar, and China brings a unique perspective to every design decision made.
University of Southern California
Bachelor of Architecture

Stephen Cornelius, AIA
Associate Principal
“I’ve always been observant. I grew up in a big family, and while everyone was running around and doing their thing, I’d just sit back and watch. Take it all in.”
Stephen is a natural listener. With his innate powers of perception and ability to quickly absorb information, he is adept at anticipating people’s preferences and needs—a skill that allows him to build trust both with his clients and within his teams. He is also an avid researcher and enjoys the process of uncovering the best solution for any design challenge.
Stephen joined STUDIOS in 2016, and has worked on a variety of project types, from dining and retail to student life and housing, and workplace projects for tech, entertainment, and law clients. With his strong technical background, creative problem solving skills, and great design sense, he is a valued member on any team.
NewSchool of Architecture + Design
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Florent Lely, DPLG
Among his many architectural skills, Florent is an expert in façades and modeling.
Florent joined STUDIOS to work on an extraordinary project: the Fondation Louis Vuitton by Frank Gehry where he demonstrated his exceptionally high level of technical expertise. He is currently working on the second project that STUDIOS is developing with Gehry Partners. He uses namely Digital Project, the 3D modeling and BIM management tool developed Gehry Technologies which he perfectly masters. He also ensures site supervision and construction administration.
Florent is fluent in French and English.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Lyon, France
Diploma in Sustainable Design
Key Projects

Sejal Bhimjiani
Associate Principal
Having practiced architecture in India and New York City, Sejal brings her cross-cultural design experience along with a deep understanding of conceptual design and the built environment to her projects. She cultivates lasting client relationships by listening to their needs and skillfully leading them through the design process by clearly communicating technically appropriate yet beautiful solutions and strategies.
Over the last 15 years, Sejal has worked across a broad range of projects from architecture and interiors to exhibition and product design, as well as being a Principal of her own firm, in India, where she led several high-end private residential and retail projects. Her diverse background and unique experiences have given Sejal the skills to design at multiple scales, simultaneously driving the large architectural moves and the details to support them. This perspective positions her as a key member of STUDIOS most complex repositioning and renovation projects, imagining a new future for New York’s real estate.
Pratt Institute
Master of Architecture
Academy of Architecture, Mumbai
Diploma in Architecture
Key Projects
817 Broadway
28 East 28th Street

Mary DeLaurentis, AIA
Associate Principal
Passionate about design and construction, Mary is particularly skilled at bringing designs to life. Her experience across building renovations and interiors spans all phases of design and construction, able to lead conceptual phases through documentation and provide management during construction with large and often complex project teams.
As a strong communicator and natural leader, Mary uses her pragmatic sensibilities and management skills to excel in becoming a trusted partner to her clients. Her innate ability to guide project teams to a successful project is proven time and again as she meets client's goals, budgets, and fast track schedules while maintaining high standards of design and problem solving.
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), member

Jordan Evans
Associate Principal
Passionate about creating meaningful and contextually rich spaces, Jordan leads a human-centered approach to design. Leveraging his unique insights into how design solutions can best align with an organization’s vision and strategy, Jordan is able to guide clients through understanding their key issues, while also establishing the impact that thoughtful and beautiful environments can have on any organization.
Jordan’s experience with diverse project types spans high-end residential, institutional, academic, and corporate interiors; most notably the recently completed Major League Baseball’s Headquarters. Combining his eye for detail, holistic approach to space planning, materiality and furniture with an innate sense of design make him a great asset to any STUDIOS team and the clients he works with.
Ryerson University
Bachelor of Design, Interior Design
University of Guelph
Honors Bachelor of Commerce
Key Projects

David Franknecht, AIA
Associate Principal
Technically proficient and discovery driven, Dave is energized by the opportunity to find innovative solutions to complex challenges. He brings a broad range of experience to bear on each new project, giving him an insightful advantage in the design process and a knowledgeable approach to project management. Dave’s work at STUDIOS has centered on masterplanning, interiors, and buildings--both new and old--and in each case he is committed to helping his clients achieve memorable, meaningful, and profitable design solutions.
Dave’s strong technical skills are an asset to not only his clients and the success of their projects, but also to his teams. He is an office resource for his extensive knowledge of REVIT and new technologies to support design and documentation. His attention to detail and ability to integrate the perspectives of a diverse range of collaborators supports a seamless process for all projects Dave is a part of, from design through construction.
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), member
Key Projects

Kristin Kaiser
Associate Principal
Kristin pursued a career in design for its ability to activate social connections and create unique experiences and distinctive spaces. Her work is fueled by her interest in buildings, furniture, art, and fashion, and she is inspired by the collaborative and iterative process at STUDIOS. Though trained as an interior designer, she is drawn toward the details that shape the architectural experience, choreographing spaces around their users and selecting the perfect finishes, furnishings, and supporting elements to ensure a cohesive and compelling design.
Kristin believes that every successful project is based on a strong vision for its story identified during the initial phases of design. A masterful communicator, she seeks to understand every project through all perspectives and works with the client to interpret their needs into design. Kristin translates the client’s vision, purpose, and culture into elegant spaces integrated and influenced by the building’s structure, character and context; most recently proven through the success of the newly design Scholastic Headquarters in New York City.
University of Florida
Bachelor of Design, Interior Design
International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Member
Key Projects
Scholastic Headquarters

Brian Kim
As a conceptual thinker with a passion for creating dynamic architecture, Brian seeks opportunities to balance aesthetics and function with a level of tension and nuance to elevate the user experience. With studies rooted in interiors and expanded to include architecture and urbanism, Brian brings a unique and multi-faceted approach that can distinctly operate in multiple scales and contexts. He encourages clients and teammates to go beyond the routine, push their boundaries, and create out-of-the-box designs that are unexpected and leave a lasting impression.
Brian is drawn to the evolutionary and versatile nature of architecture and its ability to fuse many disciplines, such as art, film, fashion, history, and science, to deliver truly unique and high-quality projects.
University of Cincinnati
Master of Architecture
University of Florida
Bachelor of Arts, Interior Design
Key Projects

Joseph Skrocki
Associate Principal
Drawn to architecture for its inherent capacity to turn ideas into reality, Joe seeks to resolve the complex, interdisciplinary, and spatial problem-solving found in each design challenge with simple and direct yet artful solutions. He most enjoys seeing a project through the design development and documentation phases with a pragmatic approach to translating early concepts into detailed design ready for construction. Joe’s innate architectural sensibilities prove to be an asset on each project whether creating a highly-coordinated clean raw space for a headquarters or a thirty-floor polished vertical corporate campus.
Joe’s proven experience in all phases of design builds strong relationships with sub consultants and contractors which allows him to lead coordination efforts and realize successful projects. His ability to bring designs to life can be seen in his highly-developed renderings, presentation graphics, and construction documentation.
Northeastern University
Master of Architecture
Northeastern University
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member
Key Projects
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Adrielle Slaugh, AIA
Associate Principal
Raised in a building industry-oriented family, Adrielle formed an early curiosity for how people use and experience spaces that led her to pursue architecture. Drawn to design for its melding of the analytical and the creative, she has an innate capacity for developing carefully curated experiences while also delivering coordinated documentation. Adrielle views every project as a piece of habitable art to which she brings her exceptional eye for details and keen design sensibilities to craft and refine projects from inception to unveiling.
Over the course of a decade, Adrielle has worked to deliver high-end design solutions for her clients, particularly focusing on hospitality inspired spaces. Her work stands apart, integrating custom ff&e solutions, intuitive art integration, and unique millwork, all with a focus on brand.
Pratt Institute
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Tulika Wadhwa
Seeking a career that combined her love for design and mathematics, Tulika was drawn to architecture for its equal respect to artistic and analytical representation. She is driven to create spaces that authentically improve the daily lives of its users. Tulika seeks to filter all designs through this lens and uses her intuitive nature to inform her proven spatial problem-solving skills, delivering successful projects that are as beautiful as they are pragmatic.
She is experienced in collaborating with top organizations as well as building owners and developers to realize potential for spaces and structures beyond what she or they could have imagined on their own. Valuing the process as much as the result, Tulika is skilled at creating dynamic presentation materials that clearly communicate design intent and streamline the client’s decision-making process.
Delhi University, Kamala Nehru College
Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics
Parsons School of Design
Associate of Applied Science in Interior Design
Key Projects
Traverse at Gateway of Pacific
STUDIOS San Francisco Office

Thomas Zapoticzny, AIA
Associate Principal
Thomas has practiced in Asia and Europe for almost a decade and has brought a broad skill set and strong design sensibilities back to his work in New York. His work abroad in some of the most bustling cities in the world, directed Thomas’ focus to urban dynamics and the relationships between cities, communities and the architectural environment.
A seasoned project architect, with a thoughtful, thorough, and technical approach, Thomas has completed projects of varying scales from concept through construction. He is a strong believer in scrupulous and exploratory communication, and harnesses the power of 3D software in parallel with hand drawings to deliver work that is both intelligible and emotive.
University of Southern California
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
Key Projects

Sophie Athanase, DPLG
Associate Principal
All-rounded and versatile, Sophie has the rare ability to lead the most complex projects while maintaining a clear vision of their overarching objectives. Her rigour, her diplomacy and her attention to detail along with her ability to guide and motivate her teams have made her an undisputed pillar of the firm. She is able to manage ambitious base build projects, through all phases from design to completion, and brings with her a rich and varied international experience ranging from office towers, hotels and residential buildings to educational facilities.
Sophie is also passionate about ecology and a key contributor to our Future Thinking committee focused on sustainability. She brings the added-value of her expertise whether on wood constructions and the application of the Paris “Plan Climat 2050”, or on eco-sourced materials and questions of upcycling, and contributes to finding eco-responsible solutions in all our projects. Her entrepreneurial spirit, and her clear pleasure in sharing her knowledge, have made her an essential contributor to the office.
Sophie is fluent in French and English.

François Godard, DPLG
Associate Principal
Expert in deep energy retrofitting, François has extensive experience leading and supervising complex renovation projects. François joined STUDIOS in 2006 after several years in major Paris architectural firms. He relies on his people skills to effectively coordinate project teams, lead meetings and develop strong client-architect links. Focused on schedules and team assignments, he assures the coordination of all outside consultants and is in charge of managing on-site teams. Passionate about sustainable design, François has largely contributed to STUDIOS’ involvement in resolving environmental issues. In fact, he serves on the firm’s environmental design committee.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Versailles, France
Master, Historic Gardens, Heritage and Landscaping
Ecole National Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris Belleville, France
Key Projects

Sys Bisgaard, MAA
Sys is an expert in matters of spatial design and complex buildings. Her exceptional design skills, combined with her competencies in organization and communication, have enabled her to take on the role of Project Manager. She is a key element on the project execution team of the Fondation Luma project, STUDIOS’ second project with Gehry Partners. Sys is fluent in French, English and Danish.

Maryana Fleurov, B. Arch
An expert in 3D computer graphics, Maryana combines her expertise in technology with modeling tools. Maryana joined STUDIOS in 2008 after working for several design offices, notably in Israel. She has worked on the Fondation Louis Vuitton and the Fondation Luma projects, using Gehry Technologies Digital Project 3D building information modeling and management tool. Maryana is fluent in French, English, Hebrew and Russian.
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Architecture and Urban Planning diploma
Key Projects

Sylvie Leroy
Sylvie’s attention to detail, her organizational skills, and her seamless involvement have been amply demonstrated. Sylvie joined STUDIOS in 1994, and has extensive experience in interior design and planning. Her hard work and proven track record have led to important contributions on projects for many of STUDIOS’ notable clients, and have made her a key member of the firm.
EFET Diploma in Interior Design, Paris, France
Académie Charpentier, Paris, France
Key Projects

Vincent Maury, DPLG
Associate Principal
An expert in sustainable renovation, Vincent brings his 360 ° vision of architecture to lead all phases of a project with absolute rigor, ensuring the commitment of his team.
Expert in deep energy retrofitting, Vincent is an active member of the in-house sustainable development committee. Vincent’s strong points range from conception to the production of written and graphic documents by way of the coordination of small and large scale complex renovation projects and building site supervision. His people skills enable him to be a forceful source of proposals and to interact effectively and with pragmatism with all the actors of a project.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris La Villette, France
Key Projects

Odile Schittly Jacob
Odile masters all the operations and challenges of a project, ensuring all the phases unfold with optimum efficiency. Passionate about architecture, dynamic and creative, Odile combines her personal qualities with her extensive, unrivalled mastery of many techniques acquired while working on projects of different scales.
Odile is fluent in French and German.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries, Strasbourg, France
Key Projects

Adeline Boulnois, HMNOP
Combining rigour with creativity, Adeline has developed a holistic vision of buildings which allows her to excel both on architectural and interior design projects.
Adeline's expertise in architecture and interior design enables her to take on each project with a comprehensive approach. Multi-skilled and curious, Adeline has already acquired a solid experience and demonstrates professionalism and maturity. Adeline is fluent in French and English.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, Versailles, France
Key Projects
Wellio Cité Numérique

Abigail Tuttle
Abigail believes that design has the power to guide, inspire, foster and influence behaviours.
Abigail joined STUDIOS’ Change Management, Programming and Strategic Consulting Services team after working for an office specialized in residential architecture and boutique hotels. She combines her knowledge of the architectural process with her experience of community projects run under the aegis of the United Nations in refugee camps in Jordan.
The objective was to bring about a change in behaviour through the deployment of a new housing prototype. Abigail has sharp analytical and communication skills. In fact, she worked in the field of public relations and research prior to developing an interest in architecture.
Abigail is fluent in French and English.
Architectural Association, London, Great Britain
Key Projects

Emily Ayers
Associate Principal
As a senior designer and project manager, Emily is creative and design-focused as well as highly organized and methodical. She takes on the most challenging projects, bringing clarity to our design thinking and process, and helping clients to make good decisions. She is also a strong mentor for her team and is always willing to take the time to teach and learn from others. Emily joined STUDIOS in 2015 and was promoted to Associate Principal in 2021.
Ball State University
Bachelor of Science, Interior Design
National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ)
International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
Key Projects
Confidential Tech Workplace, Seattle, WA
Confidential Tech Campus, Fremont, CA

Kate Greenberg, AIA
Associate Principal
“We design both what we make and how we make it. I’m very interested in the how. The process through which we design directly affects the result of what we design. It’s something we spend our whole careers learning about.“
An artist and social scientist at heart, Kate is passionate about shaping the individual experience—from that of the client and the design team to the single user in a space. As the design lead on complex projects with many-layered teams, she empowers all those involved in the process, understanding that everyone has something to contribute and that the best work comes when people feel they can engage in meaningful ways. Kate advances each project’s larger vision and goals while keeping all elements in motion, culminating in a successful outcome shared by all.
Kate takes a hands-on approach to all of her work, whether designing work space for global technology companies or creating luminous installations for Burning Man. She won Black Rock City Honorariums from the Burning Man Arts Foundation in 2016 and 2018, and designed the winning concept for the 2020 Burning Man Pavilion. She was also awarded the Malcom Reynolds Prize and the CED Department Fellowship from UC Berkeley. Kate is currently an Arts Chair on the Global Arts Grant Committee. She is also a member of STUDIOS’ firmwide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Council.
University of California, Berkeley
Master of Architecture
Princeton University
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects
Technology Client Workplace, Sunnyvale, CA

Shane Wallace
“Put me on the job site every day of the week and I’m a happy guy.”
Shane is the type of person who makes friends everywhere he goes. As a kid, he often joined his plumber father on job sites, where he quickly befriended the contractors and learned about the construction process. Shane loves the challenge of working out how to bring different building components together and is particularly interested in exploring technologies and developing new work practices that will better integrate core and shell architecture with interiors. He is also intrigued by how the relationship between a building and its interiors can shape the experience of the individual person in the space.
True to his Montana roots, Shane loves the outdoors and is interested in the thoughtful integration of architecture and landscape. Since joining STUDIOS in 2014, he has worked on large-scale new building developments as well as multiple workplace projects for a global technology client. He is a member of our West Coast Practice Committee.
Montana State University
Master of Architecture
Montana State University
Bachelor of Environmental Design
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member
Key Projects
Technology Client Workplace, Seattle, WA
Technology Client Workplace, Austin, TX

Gigi Lake
Curious and charismatic, Gigi brings great energy to every team she is a part of. With a broad spectrum of talent and capacity, she is facile working on all aspects of a project—from leading a team to coordinating consultants and communicating with stakeholders. Gigi takes ownership of her work, ensuring great design and satisfied clients.
Gigi joined STUDIOS in 2018. As a member of STUDIOS’ Practice Group, she helps develop office standards and presentations on topics such as dimensioning, occupancy, and egress. Gigi excels at physical modeling, and has exhibited her work at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. As part of her architecture education, Gigi completed an internship in Singapore and studied in Copenhagen through the Danish Institute for Study Abroad.
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
Key Projects
Technology Campus Renovation, Bay Area
Technology Campus Renovation, Dublin, Ireland

Alex DeFee, AIA
Associate Principal
Alex strives to approach design through the lens of a master builder. He is a skilled collaborator throughout all project phases, equally proficient in conceptualizing each project's overarching vision and navigating intricate details. As a licensed architect with over 15 years of practice, he excels in identifying opportunities within complexity, believing that the best designs emerge through a synergy of efforts involving the client, the design team, and consultants.
Since joining STUDIOS in 2016, Alex has been a vital design voice and technical leader focused on design-build and sustainable design. His experience spans various project types, including master planning, commercial office, building repositioning, K-12 education, multifamily residential, and hospitality.
Clemson University
Master of Architecture
University of Mary Washington
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
LEED Green Associate
Key Projects
Raymond Elementary School
Living Classrooms

Annelise Haskell
Tulane University
Master of Architecture
Tulane University
Bachelor of Architecture, Minor in Urban Studies
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
US Green Building Council

Cameo Roehrich, AIA
Associate Principal
Harvard University
Master of Architecture
Columbia University
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Carolyn O'Toole, AIA
University of Kentucky
Master of Architecture
University of Kentucky
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Emily Schneider, AIA
Associate Principal
Emily joined STUDIOS in 2011. Her diverse skill set spans multiple project sectors, scales and budgets giving her the experience to develop thoughtful design solutions specific to each client's aspirations and goals.
Emily is drawn to architecture that is rooted in a particular place, is authentic, tactile and sustainable. She has a passion for the craftsmanship and coordination involved to achieve the small details of a project while never losing sight of the big design concepts. These inspirations, along with her commitment to a collaborative design process, consistently produce exciting, high quality designs. Emily's recent and notable project experience includes: PSU Willard, Georgetown SCS, 111 Mass, McCormick Headquarters, Edens PNC, and Politico.
North Carolina State University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Jennifer Hicks
Associate Principal
Jennifer has a profound impact on the design and documentation of some of STUDIOS' most complex projects to-date. Her natural ability to resolve complex design issues quickly across a broad range of project types has enabled her to be a valued team member, always pushing the design and delivery forward for new buildings, renovations, and interior design projects. Jennifer's extensive experience working on residential, recreation, and hospitality projects has led to the successful completion of several high-profile projects, including the Estate and Thompson Hotel at The Yards development in Washington, DC's Navy Yard neighborhood, Eataly, Reston Town Center West Tower and Jewelbox buildings, and Aubrey at the Highlands, among others.
George Washington University
Master of Fine Arts, Interior Design
University of Virginia
Bachelor of Arts, Fine Art
Key Projects

Katherine Luxner, AIA
Katherine's background in urban and community-design has been integral in guiding concept strategy for clients. She has contributed to the success of a wide range of base-building and interiors projects including workplace, building repositioning for retail, corporate, and multi-family residential. As a strong design collaborator, she has helped actualize clients’ visions through all phases of design from concept to construction administration. Since joining STUDIOS in 2015, Katherine has worked on several notable projects for the DC office, including Ballston Exchange, Fort Lincoln Park & Recreation Center, and The Foundry, among others.
Tulane University
Master of Architecture
University of Maryland
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Kathryn Schenk, AIA
As an architect at STUDIOS, Katie focuses on creating human-centered spaces for corporate interiors projects. She manages projects through all phases of development and is proficient in engaging with clients and outside teams. Katie uses her technical knowledge and skills to inform a design problem at its earliest stages, resulting in thoughtful and effective solutions from kick-off to completion.
University of Cincinnati
Master of Architecture
University of Michigan
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Melissa Funkey
Associate Principal
Melissa joined STUDIOS in 2005, and has worked in the San Francisco, New York, and Washington, DC offices. Her project experience is focused on hospitality, retail, residential, and commercial development and interiors. Recent and notable projects include Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies, The USO Family Centers, and Ballston Exchange, among others.
Ball State University
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
Pratt Institute
Master of Architecture

Michael Doyle
Associate Principal
As a Project Architect, Michael excels in the design, documentation, and coordination of both small and large scale projects. His building renovation experience has given him the technical knowledge that enables him to integrate the functional requirements and the fine design elements of a project. Working with STUDIOS internal project teams and external consultants and contractors, he has built relationships that help him to successfully deliver projects during the construction process.
The Mackintosh School of Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture
Waterford Regional Technical College
National Diploma in Architectural Technology
United Kingdom
Key Projects

Riziki House-Okon
Associate Principal
Riziki has a keen ability to resolve complex design issues quickly across a broad range of project types, including demonstrated success in renovations and interior design. She has been involved in the design and documentation of many of STUDIOS innovative design projects, including KIPP DC College Prep High School, Steptoe & Johnson, The Banks, and Arent Fox, among others.
University of Pennsylvania
Master of Architecture
University of Virginia
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
LEED Green Associate

Scott Gillespie, AIA
The Catholic University of America
Master of Architecture
The Catholic University of America
Master of Science, Sustainable Design
The Catholic University of America
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Steven Grossenbacher, AIA
Associate Principal
As a project architect at STUDIOS, Steven utilizes his creative design portfolio along with strong communication, leadership, collaboration, construction documentation, and graphic skills to deliver some of STUDIOS' most complex projects out of the Washington, DC office. His broad range of experience working on higher education, commercial, government, healthcare, athletic, science, and technology projects enables him to adopt a holistic approach to delivery. Notable projects include McCormick's Global Headquarters, Ballston Exchange, Jefferson Academy, and Franklin Park, among others.
The Pennsylvania State University
Master of Engineering, Structural
The California Polytechnic State University
Bachelor of Architecture
Architecture: DC, VA, Engineering: VA
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
LEED AP BD+C, NCARB, Professional Engineer
Key Projects

Whitney Ludvik, AIA
Associate Principal
Whitney joined STUDIOS in 2013, bringing with her extensive knowledge in both Architecture and Interiors. Her experience is multifaceted with a broad range of project experience including Workplace, Higher Ed, Multifamily, Hospitality, and Retail. During her time at STUDIOS, Whitney has established herself as a strong technical architect and leader among her peers, particularly for her Revit and BIM capabilities.
As Project Architect, Whitney brings technical expertise, strong design skills, and a keen ability to solve complex problems for her projects. She is known specifically for her proactive approach to facilitating and coordinating complex design solutions. Her ability to engage and communicate with stakeholders is unparalleled and has been key to her success, establishing both trust and respect from clients and colleagues. These key attributes of managing complexity and mindful communications make Whitney a highly sought after resource for any project.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bachelor of Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects

Ethan Levine, AIA
Ethan is a true multi-disciplinarian, with experience ranging from National Park planning through the Mayor’s Office in New York City to humanitarian construction efforts in Nepal. With a background in economics prior to his architectural training, Ethan brings both the imagination necessary to inspire great design and the pragmatism to carry it into reality.
Harvard University
Master of Architecture
Brown University
Bachelor of Arts, Economics & Urban Studies
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
Key Projects

Brandon Moore, AIA
The Catholic University of America
Master of Science, Sustainable Design
The Catholic University of America
Master of Architecture
The Catholic University of America
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Member
Key Projects

June Zhu, AIA
June brings curiosity and pragmatism to tailored design solutions. She combines complex problem solving with a creative mind to integrate the user experience with the program and site of each project. Across her work in workplace environments, cultural centers, education, government, master planning and furniture design, she offers sensitivity for design craft and attention to detail. With a background in architecture and real estate development, she takes pleasure in coordination and wearing multiple hats. Notable projects include Western & Southern, the Kennedy Center, and Urban Land Institute, among others.
University of Pennsylvania
Master of Architecture
University of Pennsylvania
Certificate of Real Estate Design and Development
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects, Member
Key Projects

Rebecca Frederick
Rebecca believes that design can be strategically implemented to improve end‑user experiences, foster economic success for organizations, and strengthen connections within a company. Her driven yet curious disposition is integral to how she approaches challenges and executes design solutions.
As a skillful visual communicator, Rebecca finds inspiration from her clients and thrives on the collaboration that naturally occurs between the design team and client. She firmly believes that great design is able to tell a story from many different perspectives, uniquely reflecting each client's cultural values and idiosyncrasies through the built environment.
Kansas State University
Bachelor of Science, Interior Design

Yara Tawfik, IIDA
Yara is a talented and creative designer at STUDIOS. She has been instrumental in the design and documentation of several notable innovative interior design projects and has a keen ability to resolve complex issues across a broad range of project types, including commercial offices, workplace interiors, hospitality, multifamily residential, and retail.
Marymount University
Bachelor of Arts, Interior Design
International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
Key Projects
DGS - 899 N. Capitol
Sumner Square
Marriott Sheraton
Confidential Tech Client

Qiana Nesbitt
Associate, Office Manager
Howard University
Bachelors of Business Administration, Computer Based Management Information Systems

Harley Miller
IT Manager
Harley moved to the Washington DC area in 2005 and joined STUDIOS as a Systems Administrator for the Firmwide division. Initially charged with supporting the Accounting and HR departments, his role quickly evolved into providing IT management and support for the DC, NY, SF and LA offices with a heavy focus on building continuity between studios. Having a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise, Harley operates as a technology generalist with an adaptive learning methodology, working closely with IT staff and Design Tech leaders to develop progressive Design Technology practices for the firm.
Remington College
Associate of Science, Computer Networking Technology

Marylin Reyes
Payroll Manager
University of Maryland, University College
Bachelor of Applied Science, Accounting

Hana Woldeamanuel
Sr. Project Accountant & Billing
Maharishi International University
Master of Business Administration, Accounting
Addis Ababa University
Bachelor of Art, Business Administration and Information Systems

Ingrid Jacobsen
Project Accountant & Billing Manager
American University
Bachelor of Art, Visual Media

José Sobreiro
José is enthusiastic and passionate, using his talents to ensure the successful completion of the missions entrusted to him. He is also an expert in Revit and BIM Management, having held this role on large complex renovations.
José is fluent in French, Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes, da Universidade Lusiada do Porto, Portugal
Key Projects

Hélène Bouchache-Deprez, HMNOP
Rigorous and pro-active, Hélène has a great attentiveness to the clients and ability to anticipate problematic on the projects she works on. Multi-skilled and enthusiastic, Hélène is as proficient in architecture as in interior design. She shows in her daily work a high level of professionalism and skills in 3D modeling, design and conception. Hélène is fluent in French and English.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris Val de Seine, France
Key Projects

Alice Peter, HMNOP
Enthusiastic and rigorous, Alice’s strengths are in her design and conception skills, especially in ambitious renovations. She demonstrates the strength of her experience every day with enthusiasm and precision, both essential qualities for supervising building sites.
Alice is fluent in French, English and Portuguese.
Ecole d'Art Graphique et d'Architecture de la Ville de Paris (EPSAA), France
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris la Villette, France
Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR,), Brésil
Key Projects

Penny Lu
“It's important to always question things because curiosity is the key to creativity.”
Penny not only has a keen eye for great design—and fights for it at every opportunity—she is also adept at balancing design priorities with budget and constructability. Positive and energetic, she is a caring team member who builds strong client and consultant relationships. She is also a skilled communicator who knows how to ask tough questions in service of realizing greater project goals.
Penny joined our Los Angeles studio in 2017, bringing design experience in hospitality and entertainment. In addition to her architecture skills, Penny excels at graphic design. Her experience includes tenant improvements, mixed-use residential complexes, and retail environments in Southern California and China. Penny is a member of STUDIOS’ firmwide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Council. Outside of work, she volunteers for Habitat for Humanity.
Savannah College of Art and Design
Master of Fine Arts, Interior Design
Tongji University
Bachelor of Arts, Interior Architecture
International Interior Design Association

Janet Shuy
A skilled listener with great attention to detail, Janet ensures our clients’ goals are carried through the design. She is a positive team member who is direct, energized, and always willing to tackle challenges head-on. A superb collaborator, she brings a growth mindset and an approachable, helpful attitude to every project. Janet serves as a mentor to emerging design staff in our San Francisco office.
Since joining STUDIOS in 2018, Janet has primarily focused on large-scale workplace projects. She has experience in all phases of design, and is particularly skilled in Design Development. Janet is adept with modeling software including Revit and Enscape. She is passionate about fine art and often finds design inspiration in San Francisco’s many museums. She is fluent in English and Mandarin.
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture
LEED Green Associate
Key Projects
Technology Client Workplace, Seattle, WA
Technology Client Workplace, Fremont, CA
Technology Campus Renovation, Dublin, Ireland

Luke Semo, AIA
Luke joined STUDIOS in 2015, bringing with him a background in engineering, computational design, digital fabrication, and modeling. He is a talented designer with diverse experience in workplace, residential, and community spaces including botanical gardens and public parks. Luke is also a skilled graphic designer. He is a member of STUDIOS’ firmwide Practice and Technology Council.
University of Michigan
Bachelor of of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Key Projects
Lyft, San Francisco Drivers' Hub

Colleen Beckman
Thorough and broad-minded, Colleen is both detail-oriented and a big-picture thinker. She has advanced proficiency in Revit, Rhino, and the Creative Suite, with special expertise in creating renderings, diagrams, and graphics for projects. In addition to her project work, Colleen is an active community member; she participates in the annual "Chairity" fundraiser and has contributed an award-winning design to the Haworth design competition.
Colleen joined STUDIOS in 2017. Her experience includes large-scale commercial buildings for technology clients and K-12 education projects. In addition to her training at Cal Poly, Colleen completed coursework at the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center at Virginia Tech and participated in a Swiss study abroad program focusing on architecture history and practice.
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

Johnson Tang
With broad skills and versatility, Johnson has assumed leadership roles on several large, complex projects. He also possesses a willingness to advance and share knowledge within the firm. Johnson pioneered the use of BIM 360 in our office, and he is a patient teacher who mentors others in our San Francisco location.
Johnson joined STUDIOS in 2017 and is an experienced designer and project manager. His work includes performing arts, hospitality, education, residential, and modular / prefab projects in the United States and China. Johnson is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese; he has provided both spoken and written translation services for client, team meetings, as well as university and private lectures. He is a member of STUDIOS’ firmwide Practice and Technology Council.
California Polytechnic State University
Bachelor of Architecture

Amy Metry
Associate, Office Manager
Amy keeps our San Francisco office running smoothly—both operationally and managerially—by finding ways to invest in and engage with each employee. Amy encourages everyone to bring new skills and ideas to the table, and to look at problems in a broader context. She believes there’s always more that we’re capable of when we bring our full selves to our work. Amy has been a leader in turning challenges like shelter-in-place into opportunities for expanding skill sets, relationships, and our view of what’s possible.
While earning her BFA, Amy became fluent in American Sign Language, an immersive experience that changed how she approaches challenges and communication. With further experience as a yoga instructor, professional photographer, and office manager for a tech start up, she developed her communication skills as well as her eye for finding opportunities in the everyday.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Max Mayell
Associate Principal, Director of Technology, US
Max expertly juggles a wide range of design and information technology challenges in our US offices. A teacher at heart, he believes that design inspires a passion for learning. With enthusiasm and humor, Max helps others expand their vision for architecture by sharing his interests in economies of scale and double-loop learning. He is a co-chair of STUDIOS’ firmwide Practice and Technology Council.
Max has helped over forty Architecture, Engineering, and Construction firms overcome technology challenges during his career. Prior to joining STUDIOS, Max advanced a trustworthy delivery model as the Head of Central Services at ArcSource Consulting, a startup that specializes in managing AEC firms with Information Technology. As a developer, he has conceived and built extensive knowledge systems and websites for design firms around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Miranda Kontner
Since joining Studios in 2015, Miranda has been able to combine her lifelong talent of 2D visual art with a strong spatial understanding. Through her creativity, dedication, and collaborative spirit she has proven herself to be a valued team member on many high-profile commercial and residential projects.
Her ability to comprehend and adapt to specific client parameters without compromising the highest standards of design, and her well-rounded understanding of all project phases, from concept to construction, has led to the successful project delivery for notable clients including: Brookfield, Silicon Valley Bank, and Tishman-Speyer.
University of Maryland, College Park
Bachelor of Science, Architecture, Minor in Sustainability Studies
Key Projects

Julia Coffou
As a designer at STUDIOS, Julia is passionate about creating a well-designed and curated project specific to her client's needs. Her background includes a range of project types including restaurants, collaborative work spaces, commercial interiors, and multi-use interiors.
With an attention to detail, Julia prides herself on working with clients to see a project through from start to finish, ensuring a cohesive design and coordinated end result. Her recent projects include Barnes & Thornburg, ProShares, Vital Voices, and Hampden East.
The George Washington University
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interior Design
The George Washington University
Bachelor of Art, Dance
LEED Green Associate
Key Projects

Bryan Arias
Bryan joined STUDIOS' DC office in 2019. Throughout his tenure, he has gained extensive project experience, ranging from multifamily residential, commercial core and shell, interior tenant fit out, and master planning/urban frameworks. Bryan has a remarkable ability to oversee and contribute to projects from inception to closeout, demonstrating his expertise in complex problem-solving across base buildings and interiors. He excels in managing client expectations, ensuring the successful delivery of projects.
Bryan significantly contributed to the development of WMATA Headquarters and played a crucial role in navigating the entitlement processes and advancing the design and documentation of the project, from its initial concept through its construction phase.
Washington University in St. Louis
Master of Architecture
Washington University in St. Louis
Master of Urban Design
University of Maryland
Bachelor of Science, Architecture
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member
Key Projects

Gabriel Boyajian
Gabriel brings an intuitive sense of design to interpret each client’s vision into expressive and innovative solutions. His experience synthesizes both the discipline of art and architecture culminating in a diverse background of unique workplaces, high-end industrial design, and experimental exhibitions.
Through creative thinking, analysis, and investigation, Gabriel fosters a holistic design approach from concept development onward, highlighting his ability to execute thoughtful and clear ideas.
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture
Key Projects

Nabila Mahdi
Born and raised in Indonesia and trained in the UK and the USA, Nabila brings a multicultural perspective to her design approach. She believes in the power and potential of trial and error—her design process is always iterative and intuitive. Nabila seeks to exhaust all design possibilities, striving for only the best design solutions and striking a balance between bold and strategic. She is enthusiastic and energetic, with highly developed rendering and 3D imaging skills.
Harvard University
Master of Architecture II
Architectural Association School of Architecture
Key Projects
DoS Workspace Prototypes
DoS Pilot Project & Mobility Lab

Andrew Lindberg, AIA
As a designer at STUDIOS, Andrew works on a range of project types across the civic & institutional, mixed-use, and workplace sectors. No matter what project he’s tackling, he works closely with all members of the design team to develop and document design and coordinate all project consultants. Andrew excels at making sure each project complies with necessary codes and regulations, ensuring the successful design and delivery from start to finish.
University of Southern California
Master of Architecture
University of Maryland
Bachelor of Science, Architecture

Adrian Lo
Since joining STUDIOS in 2017, Adrian has had the opportunity to collaborate on creative design projects from concept design through construction. His international experience has allowed him to work on various types of projects ranging from high-rise residential mixed-use, commercial, museums, aviation, and hospitality. Being immersed in complex work environments has not only stressed the importance of strong team collaboration, but heightened the importance of good organizational skills. He looks to continue to practice architecture that is capable of enriching daily life while creating truly inspirational environments.

Eliana Weiner
Eliana brings a unique perspective to each project by leveraging her training in both psychology and architectural design. Together, these skills drive her to create crafted spaced that enables employees to achieve their best work. Eliana is adept at understanding the big picture vision of our clients, and develops interior spaces by way of programming, design analysis and space planning. She has a natural ability to produce planning strategies and test‑fits which support the clients understanding of the project.
University of Pennsylvania
Masters of Architecture
Carnegie Mellon University
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology & Architecture
Key Projects

Nando Tirado
Universidad de Barcelona
Masters of Urban Planning and Environmental Management
Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
Bachelor of Architecture

Maria Percoco
Maria is a multi-faceted designer with a background in both architecture and interior design. This range of interests allows her to bring a unique perspective to each project—looking at the large-scale design features as well as the details and ff&e. Maria works seamlessly with the design team to visually communicate design strategies.
She brings experience on hospitality and residential design to STUDIOS where she most recently worked on the headquarters for the National Basketball League. Maria has been involved in the test-fitting and due diligence phase of the Dentsu Aegis Network’s Chicago office as well.
Drexel University
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design & Architecture
Key Projects
National Basketball Association Headquarters

William McCommon, AIA
William is a highly skilled architect and designer with a range of interests including sustainability, theory, lighting design and structures. He is adept at understanding how built architectural spaces can impact people and seeks to create balanced environments that support the needs of its users as well as company culture. William’s work at STUDIOS is centered on the practical, and intuitive yet inspiring elements of design. His diverse range of skills and knowledge allows him to quickly adapt to shifting project needs and expectations.
University of Texas at Austin
Master of Architecture
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Architecture, International Plan
Key Projects
Hogan Lovells
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
Fitwel Ambassador

Courtney Newhouse
Master of Architecture
Northeastern University
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Northeastern University

Joshua Oakley
Northeastern University
BS in Architecture

Alessandra Teisseire, HMONP
Meticulous and rigourous, Alessandra brings to STUDIOS her multicultural background and capacity to work from small to large scale projects.
Born and raised in the United States, Alessandra was brought up with a multicultural background. She has travelled and lived in many countries acquiring a rich and varied international experience having worked in the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Argentina and France. She first joined STUDIOS in 2015 and was instantly integrated into the design team. Her dedication, and ability to work using Revit as well as her understanding of the projects requirements immediately made her an asset to STUDIOS. Alessandra has worked on a variety of projects bringing a global and immersive approach to her profession. She stands out for her versatility, having the capacity to work on every scale of projects, ranging from architecture, interior design and furniture design
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Versailles 2010
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Università IUAV, Venezia, Italia
LEED Green Associate
Key Projects

Manon Uhlen, HMONP
Determined and rigorous, Manon excels in her ability to adapt to any scale, typology or phase of a project.
Creative, multi-skilled and enthusiastic, Manon was trained in the diverse domains of design, graphics and architecture.
Whatever the scale of the project she is assigned, Manon applies her skills to design spaces, creates 3D and parametric models and focuses on sustainable development, thus contributing to the success of her projects.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Stuttgart, Germany
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et Métiers d’Art Paris
Key Projects

Marie Billa, HMONP
Proactive and a strong team players, Maries carries out all the tasks entrusted to her and always exceeds expectations. She is convinced that the nobility of architecture is the result of a desire to always go further and pay attention to the slightest detail.
She joined STUDIOS to integrate the team working on the Fondation Luma project, STUDIOS’ second project in collaboration with Gehry Partners, and has been an invaluable and highly appreciated team member.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Franco-Chinese degree Strasbourg
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Tongji Franco-Chinese degree Shanghai, China
Key Projects

Hanyun Paugam, M. Arch
Creative and rigorous, Hanyun brings strong design skills with solid technical knowledge and an unparalleled sense of detail.
An architect by training, Hanyun has focused her skills on interior design. During her initial career, she developed numerous projects ranging from luxury hotels to retail and offices, in the United States, China and Europe. She has also worked on a number of workplace interiors project for tech firms in the Silicon Valley on which she was able to express both her elegance and her creativity. Since joining STUDIOS, Hanyun has continued to work on innovative interior design projects for tech clients as well as contributing to other project types. Her agility enables her to adapt to all project scales and cultures. Hanyun is fluent in French, Chinese and English.

Keith Moore, LEED Green Associate
Keith is a highly skilled designer with a broad range of experience in a variety of project types, including residential renovation, research, and corporate interiors. His knowledge in architectural design, as well as fabrication, allows him to envision a project from the large scale vision to the details. Using his thoughtful, thorough, and technical approach, Keith has successfully delivered projects of all sizes from concept through construction, and utilizes his experience in all phases of design to build strong relationships with sub consultants and contractors, allowing him to lead coordination efforts with ease.
The University of Kansas
Masters of Architecture
The University of Kansas
Bachelor of Arts: Architectural Studies
Key Projects

Katie Waldner
Virginia Tech, College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Bachelor of Architecture

Paul Alonge
Paul’s diverse experience spans conceptual ideation through close collaboration on site to realize exacting details. He brings a passion for craft and sustainability to each task with intent to realize spaces that support healthy environments that are engaging to the inhabitants. Paul advocates for responsible design in all ways; playing a key role in making sure our materials library is clear of red list products and actively presents healthy material options.
Northeastern University
Bachelor of Design
Key Projects
National Council for Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Waterfront Alliance
WEDG® (Waterfront Edge Guidelines)

Adelaide Loomis

Johnny Ramos
Johnny is a highly skilled designer with a holistic view of projects, from the big picture to the minute details. His passion for architecture and design stems from its ability to positively affect the communities that it serves—from studies centered on urban inequality in his hometown of Arequipa, Peru to New York City’s densely populated vertical headquarters. Johnny’s innate graphic instincts are invaluable in communicating design and architectural concepts to clients and diverse user groups. In combination with a drive to explore ideas and concepts through iteration, Johnny supports the internal and external team to evaluate and test ideas to get to better informed and tailored decisions faster. As a vital team member, he balances an appetite for inspirational design with practical methodologies to see it come to life.

Ivelina Vitkova, HMONP
Ivelina has worked primarily in France on commercial and housing projects, with a strong expertise in office buildings both as an architect and an interior architect.
She is fully versed in all phases of a project, from preliminary concept through to completion, including construction management. Proactive in the search for technical and architectural solutions, exploring all possible avenues to reach the best solutions, Ivelina stands out for her gentle yet unfailing rigor.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Val de Seine
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg
Key Projects

Alexis Krahling
Associate, Manager of HR
Washington College
Bachelor of Arts. Business Management & Economics