[ TRIBUNE] Architecture: Can ecology and economy be reconciled? STUDIOS Architecture on Refléxions Immobilières by Studios Architecture

[ TRIBUNE] Architecture: Can ecology and economy be reconciled? STUDIOS Architecture on Refléxions Immobilières

DATEMay 25, 2023

STUDIOS associates Sophie Athanase, François Godard and Vincent Maury question the difficult balance between ecology and the economy in an article published in Refléxions Immobilières, the magazine of the IEIF - Institut de l'Épargne Immobilière et Foncière.

Committed to the sustainable transformation of our businesses, we wanted to shed light on the current debates on a little-talked-about yet crucial notion: the economics of sustainable architecture. While the urgency of climate change is creating unprecedented conditions for an ecological transition in urban development, the transition to collective action is coming up against individual economic challenges... Sustainability and real estate cannot exist without economic modeling of impact solutions. The task is immense, and our role as architects is key to supporting a collective approach to continuous progress that combines sustainability and profitability.

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