CLIENTUniversity of California, Los Angeles

SERVICESNew Construction, Interiors


SIZE24,000 sq ft

STATUSCompleted 2010


Located on a prominent site on Westwood Avenue and adjacent to the university physical plant, UCLA’s Campus Police Station partners with neighboring buildings to create a primary gateway to the campus. We chose building systems and materials that integrate the new construction as a discrete and polite neighbor, along with brick details and cast stone accent bands that relate to some of the historic campus buildings.

Context view
Context view

The Police Station also houses a 24/7 Dispatch Center, the Community Services Bureau, and Emergency Response teams. The two-story structure features a patrol vehicle drive-thru underneath the 2nd floor overhang, allowing officers direct access to the custody area. Emergency Response vehicles are also dispatched from this area. The public accesses the station through a large glass entryway along the landscaped street frontage.

Patrol car entrance
Patrol car entrance
View along Westwood Avenue at dusk
View along Westwood Avenue at dusk
View to back lot
View to back lot

"The building, with beautifully composed architecture, fits its context and provides a state-of-the-art home for this essential service facility."

Jeffrey Averill, AIA, (former) Campus Architect

Awards and Press

  • Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Award, Green Building — 2010

PHOTOGRAPHYBenny Chan / Fotoworks

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