CLIENTUniversity of California, Los Angeles
SERVICESNew Construction, Interiors
SIZE24,000 sq ft
STATUSCompleted 2010
Located on a prominent site on Westwood Avenue and adjacent to the university physical plant, UCLA’s Campus Police Station partners with neighboring buildings to create a primary gateway to the campus. We chose building systems and materials that integrate the new construction as a discrete and polite neighbor, along with brick details and cast stone accent bands that relate to some of the historic campus buildings.

The Police Station also houses a 24/7 Dispatch Center, the Community Services Bureau, and Emergency Response teams. The two-story structure features a patrol vehicle drive-thru underneath the 2nd floor overhang, allowing officers direct access to the custody area. Emergency Response vehicles are also dispatched from this area. The public accesses the station through a large glass entryway along the landscaped street frontage.

"The building, with beautifully composed architecture, fits its context and provides a state-of-the-art home for this essential service facility."
Jeffrey Averill, AIA, (former) Campus Architect
Awards and Press
- Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Award, Green Building — 2010
PHOTOGRAPHYBenny Chan / Fotoworks